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I am 35 years old, I made $67,665 gross last year (between multiple jobs) and live in Buffalo and work in higher education and retail.

Title: I am 35 years old, I made $67,665 gross last year (between multiple jobs) and live in Buffalo and work in higher education and retail.
This is my 5th MD update. Previous MDs in June 2019, October 2019, February 2020, and July 2020.
Ref29 questions:
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
Absolutely. Both of my parents have bachelors degrees, and it wasn’t even a conversation of “if” I was going to college, but “where”. I ended up going to a private 4-year college, with a 75% merit scholarship. I was able to pay for the first semester with savings bonds/general savings, but took out loans for the remaining semesters. I worked 2 on campus jobs (tour guide and TA), plus at a coffee shop - this was more for spending money/gas etc. Looking back, I wish that I had put more of that income aside for paying for school, but I was definitely headlong into the student loan trap of “it’s ok, this is good debt….blah blah.”
I thought that i had the exact idea of what I wanted to do for a career - and that basically required a masters degree - so I went straight to grad school after undergrad. Private - and took out the maximum student loans for both years. I cannot stress what a terrible financial idea this was. The last half of my MA was in DC, so I used the loans for rent/food, as I had a full time unpaid internship. Long story short, what I thought was my career goal wasn’t.
I am FINALLY nearly done paying off my loans. If I had to go back and give my past self advice, it would have been to not go to grad school directly after undergrad. I still might have gotten my masters, but I would have done it in a much more financially responsible way.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
We had conversations growing up - but it was much more of a conversation now that I’m an adult. I’ve noted in past MDs, but my parents have told us that they regret not being able to help us all more as teenagers/college/young adults, so they’ve been extremely supportive of my focus on debt repayment.
Did you worry about money growing up?
Not really. I remember being conscious about it - we didn’t have new cars (EVER - like it’s still a thing), and we used coupons/budgets/bulk freezer meals for shopping, but I think a portion of that was that there were 4 of us kids. We were all involved in a variety of extracurricular activities as well, but I don’t remember even being like, limited or restricted from doing anything.
Do you worry about money now?
While I am noting that I’m making progress, it is still very overwhelming. It’s really hard for me not to beat myself up when I either buy “treats” or things that aren’t really treats, but are just home comforts. I finally bought myself 2 sets (!) of decent sheets this past month after having 1 set of crappy sheets for the last 2 years lol. I still have so much work to do, on debt repayment, fully funding my emergency fund, and (massive goal here) saving for a down payment on a house.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
I would say I was financially responsible for myself when I moved for grad school in the fall of 2008 (so when I was 22/23).
That being said, I definitely have had a financial safety net - my parents always assisted with grocery money if I needed it - when I was married, that definitely was not only a safety net, but also got me in a lot of bad habits.
Since my divorce, my parents have assisted with cell phone, car insurance, and letting me live with them for a few months when I moved back to the US. I know that if something happened, they would absolutely assist with a place to live if I needed it.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
As previous MDs have noted, my parents have assisted with assorted checks when my dad got a bonus, and they have always been extremely generous with holiday $.
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance (and how you got there): $33,194.67 (up from $23,800 in February 2020)
This is a combo of Stash Retire ($1721.52), 401K from a previous job ($17,330.01), retirement accounts from my current job ($2807.58 in my optional IRA to which I contribute extra; $2947.46 in the basic retirement plan, to which my employer contributes 7%), and TSP from a previous job ($8,388.10).
Savings account balance: $1000
Checking account balance: $1381.07 (at the start of the money diary)
Credit card debt (and how you accumulated it): $7,558.08 (focus has been more on student loans, plus I am a bit guilty of using it at random points) (down from $19,556 in June 2019).
Student loan debt (for what degree): Current remaining balance is $972.57!!!!! This is down from $23,645.37 in June 2019) (combined loans for undergraduate and graduate degrees in International Relations. To give you an idea of how much I’ve paid off - I’ve paid $118,297.81 off up to this point).
*note: December was a PHENOMENAL debt payment month for me (just over $4k).
Section Two: Income
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $2847.53
*after using the IRS refund calculator, it became clear that I was expecting a much higher refund, so I stopped having extra withheld. Eventually I’ll get the hang of it.
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: $1442.72 (average monthly take home August-December 2020)
My retail job fully reopened, and I also applied for, and got a promotion, which meant both an hourly raise and more hours)
Any Other Monthly Income Here:
Section Three: Expenses
Rent / Mortgage $980.00/month (+ $3.95 service charge when I pay online) (no change)
Retirement contribution: $115.58/month Roth IRA from work + $80.00/month into Stash Retire (no change)
Savings contribution: $0/month (Debt payments are the priority)
Investment contribution: None
Health/Dental/Vision Insurance: $76.38/month (Through work, it gets taken out biweekly)
FSA contribution: $27.78 biweekly (I set my annual contribution at $750 this year, up from $600)
Debt payments
Student Loan minimums: $55.54 is strictly the minimum for my FINAL (!!!) student loan, but as you all know by now, I have been attacking these with a vengeance and plan on this being gone no later than March.
Credit Card minimums: Avg. Monthly Payment $300. (as mentioned in the debt section, I have slipped slightly on allowing myself to use the credit card, but still have been able to lower my overall amount)
Wifi/Cable/Landline: $64.99/month
Cellphone: Still on the parental plan, but will be transitioning off. I’m shopping around and have started to budget.
Subscriptions: Apple storage - $2.99/month; Netflix- $8.99; (even though I’ve been able to be at home much much more, we still get a monthly barkbox for the toys; Spotify Premium - $9.99/month. Headspace - $14.99/month. Renaissance Periodization - $16.19/month
Laundry (if you pay per load): $40/month. I put aside $10 per paycheck.
Gym membership $75/month - I budget this much for my ROMWOD and Movement Vault monthly subscriptions. This also covers my monthly subscription for my WHOOP band. My retail side gig also provides $225/month to work out. This covers my monthly membership to my crossfit gym, as well as extra megaformer classes. $32.63/month for WHOOP; $13.95/month for ROMWOD; $9.99/month for Movement vault
Pet expenses: $150/month - includes pet insurance. This is what I put into my budget for insurance, food, grooming etc.) Barkbox 31.54/month; Pet insurance $79.24
Car payment / insurance / average gas:$100/month (as my dad plans on retiring within the next year, he will be signing over my car to me, meaning that I will be taking on my insurance. I fully acknowledge that this has been nice to not have to worry about, and that my parents have been absolutely amazing. The current annual insurance for my car looks like it will be around $450. Future money diaries will take this into account.
Renter insurance: $12.50/month
Average groceries / household supply spend; Looking at YNAB, my average spend has been just over $700/month. This seems insanely high for one person, but I do also follow a RP meal plan, meaning that I tend to eat A LOT to fuel my workouts. I also haven’t gone out basically at all ….
Regular therapy: N/A
Charitable Giving: $75/avg. August-Dec 2020 (Much of this was “rage” donating in the run up to the election)
Annual Expenses:
YNAB (You Need A Budget): $83.99/year
NB: Anytime I leave my house, I am masked, including gym visits. It’s honestly not terrible once you find a mask that works for you!
Day 1: Friday
5:45am: Alarm goes off and I get up to put the kettle on to start coffee. Today is a weigh in and weekly review for my meal/training plan, so I enter my numbers and see what my upcoming week will look like as far as my macros. I notice that my chest/shoulder are sore, and hurt when I take a deep breath, but assume that I just slept on my arm wrong. I take out the dog, feed him, and head out to my weightlifting class.
7:30am: Nope, not just sleeping on it wrong. I make it through the lifting portion, but when we start the metcon, I have to stop because it hurts too much to take a really deep breath, instead stretching and cheering everyone else on. Annoyed, but hopefully it’s nothing too crazy. I think it’s just a strain from my muscle up drills the day before. Once I get home, I make breakfast - a savory oatmeal with oats, cheese, chicken sausage, egg whites, and mushrooms, topped with a fried egg and za’atar seasoning from Trader Joe’s. YUM. I log into work and get settled in for a 2 hour (ugh) staff meeting.
11:00am: Finally done with that. Thank goodness for my camera getting to be off. I take a shower and get into “work” clothes - aka lululemon from top to bottom (align leggings, ebb to street crop tank, and a sit in lotus wrap). Back to work until it’s time for lunch, which I have just after noon (rice, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, and ground beef, topped with avocado). Work continues afterwards.
2:00pm: Time for work #2! It’s a fairly uneventful (and slow) afternoon/evening, which is ok after the craziness of the holiday season. And I only have to tell 2 people to put their masks on over their nose and they don’t give me an attitude - woohoo! Around 5 I eat my food on my 10 minute break - another taco-ish bowl, just without the avocado from earlier. I get out from work at 7:30pm.
8:00pm: Home, take the pooch out and feed him and make my casein hot chocolate (casein protein is a slower digesting type vs. whey and it’s my evening “meal” most of the time) plus a couple dark chocolate peanut butter cups. I facetime my Mom briefly and then we each put on our respective Star Wars shows - she and my Dad are watching the Mandolorian (they just got Disney+), and I’m deep into season 4 of the Clone Wars. Bedtime routine starts at 9:30 with a couple of melatonin gummies and I brush my teeth and wash my face (eye makeup remover, then Neutrogena foaming cleanser, and a nighttime moisturizer from Aldi). Snuggle up with the dog and a heating pad with a Headspace night sounds playing.
Daily Total: $0
Day 2: Saturday
5:50am: NO. It’s like 30 minutes before I want to wake up...NO.
6:10am: Uggggggh
6:20am: FINE. Dog outside, then fed. I make coffee and another savory oatmeal (AMAZING - same as yesterday, just no bell peppers). Catch up on podcasts and my YNAB budget. In happiest news, I can take a full big breath without that weird pain from yesterday! Yay!
10:00am: Home from my workout, which went amazingly - I love a good long chipper of a workout! I take the dog out for a little cold weather walk and then make my post-workout meal - Kodiak chocolate chip pancakes with blueberries! (use 1 egg and almond milk to make the pancakes and it fits my post-workout macros: 35P, 10F, 65C). I follow this with a cuddle session with the dog while watching Marple episodes and drinking coffee. I also add items to my lululemon shopping cart and exit out of it before I can spend money. While I get a great discount (especially on markdowns), I know I don’t really NEED anything, so I don’t get anything.
1:00pm: Off to the mall for work. I stop on the way to fill the gas tank ($25). It’s a busy day, but a good one - during my break I eat my taco bowl (rice, sweet potatoes, ground beef, peppers and avocado). I work until 7:30pm.
8:00pm: Home, dog out, casein hot chocolate - the usual. I’m nothing if not a creature of habit. I pull out a Trader Joe’s chocolate croissant to prove overnight in the oven. Bedtime is around 10pm.
Daily Total: $25
Day 3: Sunday
7:50am: Whoooops, I intended to wake up around 7:15, but I didn’t actually set the alarm. Luckily the dog wakes me up with a polite whine - I take him out, make coffee and a bowl of oatmeal (oats, almond milk, egg whites, topped with blueberries), and head to my workout around 9.
11:00am: 2 workout classes later, I’m home - post workout meal is the aforementioned chocolate croissant, and a little egg scramble of egg whites, mushrooms, chicken sausage and broccoli. The afternoon is spent with old Miss Marple episodes on Amazon Prime, combined with laundry and apartment cleaning.
3:00pm: I made a quick loaf of bread (2 hrs of rising, then shaping) and put it in the oven. Happily it turns out pretty damn tasty - I make Trader Joe’s Cippino (seafood soup) and have that with toasted fresh bread around 4/4:30pm. A Clone Wars marathon ensues - the Bills are playing in the AFC championship tonight, so the city is basically a giant ball of nerves. I don’t watch the games (and haven’t all season - mostly because I don’t have all the apps/cable), but I follow the score on my phone while watching many (MANY) episodes of Clone Wars. I facetime my mom and dad around 7 after they finish the Mandolorian and we can all squeal with excitement.
9:00pm: Melatonin gummies, contacts out, teeth brushed, face washed, bedtime.
Daily Total: $0
Day 4: Monday
5:45am: Awake, coffee, take the dog out, head to crossfit.
7:30am: Home, dog out again, then breakfast (homemade toast, everything but the bagel smoked salmon, scrambled egg+egg whites) and more coffee. I login to work at 8am, and get the morning podcasts going (Up First, the Daily, Post Reports, the Intelligence).
10:00am: I place a Target pickup order for the snacks for our break area at the mall (seltzer, peanut butter crackers, cookies, granola bars - all single serving packs). I will be reimbursed for this by the store. ($39.57 - I get a notice that an item isn’t available after I place the order...oh well)
11:00am: I’m traveling out of state for a couple of days - it’s a long awaited tattoo coverup (don’t get a tattoo for a significant other….I knew not to do this...and yet I still did), so I make my list of items to pack and things to remember to do (take out trash, do all my dishes, etc). I will be driving to my destination (Indiana), staying at a hotel by myself, going to the tattoo shop (masked), and back to the hotel. Not telling friends I’m there, not going out anywhere. And I’ve scheduled a test for 4 days after my return, per NYS rules. If I could make the drive nonstop, I would, but your girl isn’t giving herself a UTI lol. I’ll be masked and sanitized anytime I step out of my vehicle. Still super nervous, but getting this tattoo covered up is like….the final FINAL step. I also take a shower (finally, yes I’m gross and have been sitting in my workout clothes since I got home - god help me if I ever live with a human again lol).
2:00pm: Time for head out for work! On the way, I pick up my previously mentioned Target order, and also pick up meals for my trip from a local meal prep place - I get a bunch of great stuff (2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, 1 lunch plus energy bites for the car), plus it means that I can just hermit it up in the hotel room apart from the actual tattoo appointment. ($62.68). I get to the mall early before my shift starts - since I know I’ll have a tub in the hotel room, and I don’t have one in my apartment, I get a couple of bath bombs and lotion from Lush ($25.93) and a whole bunch of sheet masks from Sephora ($25.01). Then time for work - It’s a fairly quick shift, which is nice, not too terribly busy and we get a lot done. And people at the mall are generally not pills today - epic win!
8:15pm: Home from work - take the dog out and have a little evening meal of homemade soup from my co-worker (it’s a kale sausage soup her husband makes and it is AMAZING) and the rest of my homemade bread. I finish packing up and the poor pup definitely knows something is up. Bedtime around 10pm.
Daily Total: $153.19
Day 5: Tuesday
5:45am: Alarm, dog, coffee. Rather than dirtying dishes, I heat up one of the prepped breakfasts I brought (a breakfast sandwich with chicken, which is actually quite tasty - plus some blueberries). I get the car loaded up with my stuff and the dog - he’s staying with my parents while I’m gone - and head out by 7:15am. After I drop him off I top off my gas tank ($14.10), and also get a couple of bubly waters and a can of death wish coffee for the road ($6.25).
12:00pm: Lunch stop at panera - fuji apple chicken salad and a cup of chicken noodle soup - drive thru and eaten in the car ($10.94, but I have a gift card). Road Trip Podcasts: You’re Wrong About and Noble Blood.
3:00pm: Gas stop (there’s also a few bathroom stops, but since I didn’t spend anything, it’s not terribly relevant, right? :) ) ($27.01).
5:30pm: Arrival! Check in to the hotel - masked front desk employee, check. Bring my stuff up to my room, and jackpot - biiiiiiiiig tub. Looks like those bath bombs were a solid choice! Open up the work laptop to see if there is anything urgent - nothing crazy - and decide which meal I want for dinner. Bourbon Chicken with Broccoli and Sweet Potatoes it is. Plus a Sparkling Apple Cider vinegar beverage (ginger and lemon) from Trader Joes. Before I eat, I do a lower body focused stretching routine from ROMWOD since I spent so long in the car.
7:30pm: Bath Bomb, Face Mask, Feet Mask, and finished Night Stalker on Netflix. Since I’ll be quarantining until I get a negative COVID test after my trip, I order 10 meals through the same meal prep company that I got my travel meals from ($88.43 - includes both delivery fee and tip). They will be delivered on Sunday.
Daily Total: $146.73
Day 6: Wednesday
6:00am - I had intended to sleep longer, but my body is like - nope, you’re waking up at the same time no matter what. Coffee (keurig in the hotel room - ick) plus a prepped breakfast (a goat cheese egg white scramble with sweet potatoes - which is delicious). Morning podcasts and I open up the work laptop. Since I’m awake I guess.
7:30am: Hotel room workout - I do yesterday’s workout from my gym, with a few modifications, but it still feels great to move after sitting in the car for so long! Shower afterwards, then food (Mexican Taco Bowl!) and work.
10:30am: Squuuuueeee it’s time for my tattoo. I double mask up, drive through for a Starbucks order ($4.74 - paid for on my Starbucks app with previously loaded funds) and head to the shop! I already paid my deposit and took advantage of a gift card sale before Christmas so I don’t owe anything additional today. We do linework, shading, and partial color. It’s going to take 2 appointments to do the full thing, so we make my next appointment for May (augh, I cannot wait!). My coverup is over black text, so a cover up involves a LOT of layering of color. I’m impressed that I still have stamina after not getting a tattoo for nearly 3 years.This is going to be BEAUTIFUL.
2:30pm: After my tattoo appointment, I make a quick stop at CVS (still double masked!) to pick up aquaphor, orange dial soap, ibuprofen, and toothpaste (cause naturally that’s the one thing I forgot to pack - d’oh) ($22.00). I make a curbside pickup order for Panera - another soup and salad combo ($10.55 - again paid for with gift cards!). I head back to my hotel room, eat, put on more podcasts (Planet Money, Can He Do That, Code Switch) and log onto work. An uneventful afternoon follows.
6:00pm: Facetime call with my mom, then dinner and various true crime documentaries on Netflix and Pinterest browsing because as per usual, now I want allll the tattoos. I also put in an order for a grocery pickup on my way home (coffee, coffee creamer, fruit, etc) ($66.82). I try to make a testing appointment through NYS for my return COVID test on Monday, but the automated system keeps putting me in the first available, which is Friday….I’ll try to schedule again on Friday so that the timing works. Bedtime tattoo routine of wash, aquaphor and ibuprofen, as well as a sheet face mask. Sleep around 10:00pm.
Daily Total: $104.11
Day 7: Thursday
6:00am: Welp, up and at em! I finish packing all my stuff, check out of the hotel and warm up the car. I head out around 7:00am. Top off the gas tank ($12.80) and I also add $15 to my Starbucks card and drive thru a Starbucks (Spinach Feta Wrap + Cafe Misto with almond milk). Then it’s time for podcasts and lots of driving. My mom had suggested a podcast from Serial - S*%*Town. IT’S AMAZING and this drive has never gone so fast!
11:00am: (or sometime around this time) Stop for gas ($27.01) and another Starbucks stop ($15 reload) to get another misto, a bottle of water, and a fruit/cheese/hard boiled egg box.
3:00pm: I was going to try to make it all the way without stopping for anything else, but my stomach is about to eat itself. I stop at a Tim Hortons about 45 minutes away from my parents’ house and get timbits and a hot chocolate (which is gross) ($6.66 - eeep). I get to my parents’ house - my mom and dad stay upstairs and in the basement respectively while I use the bathroom and retrieve a very happy pup. Once I get everything out to the car, my mom and dad come outside (double masked, as am I) and we quickly wave and air hug from a distance. On the way home, I drive through the grocery pickup and get my groceries.
5:30pm: Finally home. The dog is very happy to be home too - my mom said when she would come into the bedroom where he was, he would look at her and be - “oh…..just you…”. Such a momma’s boy :) Dinner is actual food (the rest of the kale sausage soup). I also put together a batch of cranberry almond biscotti (based off the Ina Garten cherry pistachio biscotti) - the apartment smells delicious. Settling in for post-travel isolation lol.
9:30pm: Melatonin gummies, tattoo upkeep, and then bedtime with the dog!
Daily Total: $76.47
Weekly Total: $505.50
Food & Drink: $326.64
Fun & Entertainment: $0
Home & Health: $22.00
Clothes & Beauty: $50.94
Transport: $105.92
First, GODDAMN I AM SO EXCITED TO PAY OFF THIS STUDENT LOAN. Just paid another $200 on it this morning, so we’re under $800!! If you hear an excited scream from the Western New York area next month, don’t worry, it’s just me.
Second, this was a higher spend week than usual, but I’m really proud to have budgeted for all of it. I had basically prepaid for the tattoo (on the gift card) and there’s still leftover for my next appointment. I had also budgeted and saved for the increased amount of gas and food.
Third, hopefully this isn’t too boring. My life pre-pandemic wasn’t terribly interesting, and it certainly isn’t now lol. I’m hoping to continue my debt payoff progress by finishing paying off my credit card debt in 2021, and start saving my 3-6 month emergency fund before starting that house down payment savings! I’m even starting to allow myself to start actually looking at Zillow.
I have been isolating since I got back - just drove through and got my COVID test, so fingers crossed for a quick reply!
Lastly, the coverup tattoo is going to be beautiful. I can’t wait for it to be finished!
Thanks for reading this whole thing!
submitted by PibbleLove43 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

Version 1.0.5 - Tasks is now out!

As the title says, update 1.0.5 is out now for everyone. If you want to read the patch notes, join the discord: IdleOn Server
PATCH NOTES (for those who don't want to join the sever)

New Content

----TASKS ----
• 18 Tasks, each one can be 'reinforced' 10 times (basically re-complete it, but its harder). So 180 tasks, kinda.
• 16 Task-Shop items. These range from bonuses, to exclusive Anvil Recipes (some of these will be LOCKED behind completing a specific task, at a specific reinforced-difficulty). They'll cost 'merits' you get from tasks.
• 40+ Recipes to unlock in the "TaskPoint Unlock" system. Every time you reach a certain milestone of Task Points, like 100, or 250, you get +1 unlock to use on the recipe of your choice! Use enough unlocks, and youll unlock MORE unlockable recipes!
---- CARDS ----
• Collects cards from every monster / resource in the game!
• Collect multiple of the same card to RANK IT UP! Bronze, Silver, Gold, I got all the colours of the podium babyyy!
• Equip cards onto your characters -- Each card has a different bonus, and the higher the rank of the card, the better the bonus!
---- ETC ----
• Mining minigame added!
• Desert Boss added (wont drop the Blue Crystal required for world 3 though)
• Crystal monsters now spawn in Desert!
• Chaotic version of World-1 boss now available! It has 15x more HP than world 2 boss, so don't waste your keys here unless your a legend

Player Added Suggestions

• Carry Capacities / Inventory Slots / Storage slots used per character is now viewable! (It'll be the 3rd tab (next to "Skill Info", above your player stats)
• "Split Stack" feature added. Simply enable it in the Storage Left-side Menu, then click on an item, and select how many you'd like to take out of the stack!
• Quest-helper highlights Main Quests in yellow, with a STAR to boot!
• Talents that rely on 'Power of 10' stuff will show you EXACTLY what's going on! Very helpful for people who dont have calculators installed in their brain.
• "AFK time to be claimed" can be viewed from the 'swap player' UI. Just press the Clock in the top-right to toggle on!
• If you switch to an empty world, the game will REMEMBER this so you WONT have to keep doing this each time you play! Helpful for those who need to be on an empty world to avoid lag!
• "Max Withdraw / Deposit" button added to storage money system

Balance Changes

• World 1 boss does much less damage. I'm helpin' you out casual gamers... just this once time, until i probably do it again at leasthandshake
• Quarterstaff (1st 'mage only' staff) now costs Copper Bars to make, not Iron Bars
• You will have to re-make Iron Boots
• Snakeskinventory Bag drop rate boosted by 1.25x
• Mimic Inventory Bag drop rate boosted by 3x

Bug Fixes

• Fishing afk info screen was messed up in several ways, now isnt
• Efficiency skills for warriors/archers now work fully
• Prowess, which is the orange bar-system that gives multiple resources now works as intended.
• Obol names corrected
• Desert Colosseum chests now give their own unique rewards, instead of just giving Grassland rewards
• Using EXP balloons wont jank up your inventory, and are extra inflated!
• 6 of the purple bubbles were not working at all due to cutoff in my code. now they all work
• STRONGEST STATUES talent now gives the correct bonus
• HAUNGRY FOR GOLD talent now gives the correct bonus
• Goldric's Hoopsie quest now correctly identifies total hoops made
• Fly in Minigame now doesnt say 'hey lava, your game sucks! im outta here'
• Player's wont glitch out in their animation if you have Auto ON and have all monsters on screen killed
• play minigame button cannot be accidentally pressed through UI
• Sproutinald's 'justice wears no clothes' quest now tracks naked kills
• sproutinald wont appear in multiple places, nor will TP pete
• upgrading bubbles now always takes away materials.
And a bunch of other things that I didn't really care to write down, and are small enough they wouldn't be worth your time to read
Also invest in kuakacoin :D
submitted by KuakaTime to idleon [link] [comments]

Feedback on OpenDev (long edition)

After some 50 hours in all three OpenDevs combined, I’ve gathered some thoughts. Loved the game so far. Apologies for the Great wall of text. I tried to be as concise as possible.


- Horde units are OP. No getting around it. The cost to spawn a new unit into the army needs to be higher. I would also disable food yields from killed units (cannibalism?) and limit it to ransacking and hunting. As for the ability to attack twice, either reduce the unit’s strength or only allow movement after one attack.
- Hanging gardens feels inferior to other ancient wonders. It’s just a slightly boosted artisans’ quarter?
- Some of the ideological axis felt imbalanced – production and science are way more useful than an equivalent amount of money or influence.
- The amount of curiosities in the Neolithic is so high it takes away from the joy of finding them. I think their respawn rates in particular need to be toned down.
- Overall the game feels very easy. AI is passive militarily and progresses quite slowly. Also, their cities seem to suck. They often spam useless, terribly placed districts and never have any population. Where do they lose their population when their armies are so small?


- Cities need at least a semi-hard cap on districts. In this iteration things just get out of hand. To add to the possible solutions, I suggest a soft cap based on eras, instead of population. (Population is just too easy to come by in the Neolithic, as you can come into the Ancient era with dozens of scout units ready to disband into your cities.) When the city is above the limit, a noticeable stability hit is applied so that stability gameplay stays relevant. The stability drop really needs to sting, but when it is clearly communicated through UI it becomes an interesting choice for the player. Currently you barely notice stability in the cities as it is too easy to maintain.
- Market quarters feel useless. I barely ever built them, yet still managed to hoard massive amounts of money. Maybe add more adjacency bonuses to them?
- Infrastructure felt too lightweight from gameplay standpoint. You can just spam them at a rather low cost without a worry. There’s very little decision-making process required to which infra you should build. I’d love a maintenance cost or something.
- It’d be handy to be able to queue up multiple ceremonies of the same type when there isn’t anything else to build
- Deconstructing districts would be a useful ability for city planning.


- Allow rotation of camera – the amazing graphics deserve to be viewed from all angles.
- Placing multiple emblematic districts in a city starts looking too repetitive too fast. If adding different variations of emblematic districts is too much asked, at least allow to rotate them.
- Ability to rotate wonders would as well be much appreciated.
- When zoomed out, the political world map would be much more readable if each territory was filled with the colour of the respective empire instead of just grey interiors with coloured borders. Territories under occupation could be striped in the colours of the invader.
- I’d also love to be able to zoom out without the map shifting into the simplistic grey mode, and rather retain the natural landscape. Don’t know if this is possible performance-wise though.
- The pyramids’ golden top part sometimes has a shade on the wrong side: Left side of the pyramid would be in shade while the left side of the top is lit and vice versa. Applies to both Giza and the Egyptian quarter.
- I feel like the administrative centre styles of later eras don’t get enough visibility with most of the cities featuring ancient or classical buildings. A solution would be a city project that upgrades the administrative centre to that of the current culture.
- Not sure if status related, but there was an excessive smog effect on my city towards the end that I didn’t like. Maybe limit it to production quarters? I don’t want dust on my wonders.
- Ships seemed to lack any wake effect when moving on waters. Would be nice


- Any chance for a minimap? I appreciate the length we can go to with zooming out, but it still doesn’t show the entire world at once.
- Information on the transport vessels is needed when embarking units! Player needs to know what kind of a vessel is embarked; what is its strength, and can it traverse deep waters?
- The ability to turn off the grey battle area is great! It would, however, be helpful if the outer borders of the area could still be toggled visible to know where they are.
- Also, when moving units outside of a battle, it is unclear where they cannot move due to a battle. Solution would be to highlight the borders constantly or when hovering over inaccessible area.
- Army panel’s unit icons are too big and get in the way of each other. Particularly troublesome when selecting individual units in an army bigger than 4.
- I love being able to turn off UI! Just add the ability to turn off borders as well and its perfect.
- The civics panel needs to be viewable simultaneously with events as I would want to see where I stand on the ideological axis when I’m making decisions. Currently you have switch between the two and try to remember which ideologies are in question.
- During the era change cutscene one moves their mouse out of the way to the edge of the screen. When the architecture change camera pan comes, the mouse on the edge of the screen throws the camera off. So prevent that somehow
- The actual deed could be highlighted somehow in the “World deed accomplished” notification, to more easily spot it among the text.
- “The era star achieved notification” should inform on which type of an era star was achieved.
- More icons are needed for different units. It’s very confusing when pikemen and scouts have the same icon and crossbowmen look like riflemen.
- The era star categories must not move around in the empire screen. Makes it ever more difficult to track what you’re supposed to achieve.
- When placing a wonder, the resulting FIMS yields should be displayed like when placing a district.
- In the cultures screen, when hovering over the affinity icon it wouldn’t display any tooltip on the abilities, which would be very useful.
- It is unclear what is the exact final sum of stability in a city.
- City info needs a number of all the territories it consists of. Couldn’t find one
- Other civs degrading treaties with me was not notified properly if at all.
- During battles it seemed hard to find out which independent people was attacking you. The name was properly hidden
- The competitive deeds list would benefit from grouping by type. Colour coding?
- The diplo screen should have a history of a civilization in the same fashion with the relation history. I want to know who they were prior to their current culture.
- Badges tooltips still unfinished? More info def. needed.
- A notification should be minimized in the bottom bar also when I press the spyglass instead of the “Acknowledge”.
- Income tooltip should specify which vassal a certain income is coming from.
- Atheism civic should more clearly explain what kind of changes it entails.
- It was a bit too unclear which wonders were holy sites.
- Sometimes when placing a district, it would not show which yields would be lost. I want to stress that it’s very important to get this working flawlessly to support an already confusing exploitation system.
- The diplo screen didn’t tell me how much of war desire do I exactly need to declare a war
- “Show unclaimed wonders” button is inaccurate as it also shows claimed wonders : )


- While the natural wonders look amazing, I do miss the more unique benefits they give in that other game. In this state they felt bland.
- Will there be proper deserts of sand? Not just prairie or stone fields


- While I also commend this suggestion by u/BrunoCPaula, the biggest gripe I have with battles is the amount of movement – I’d reduce it to make each tile moved feel more important strategically. Currently there is too much running around. This can be achieved by reducing movement points across the board or increasing movement cost of difficult terrain. Regarding the latter, I observed that forests for example didn’t slow units down despite the movement cost of 2. I would increase it to 3 really. For example, rocky fields and arctic tiles could use an increase in cost too. Also, enemy units should limit movement by their adjacency in Zone of control fashion.
- I also feel most ranged units have too much range.
- When in battle, accidentally clicking on a mountain tile closed the battle view. Quite annoying
- It’s too easy to forget autosolving of battles on and suffer of the consequences. Give an option to autosolve once or to leave it on.
- Units’ lines of sights feel unintuitive sometimes. To better educate players in their logic, highlight the tile that’s blocking the LOS when hovering over a target unit.
- Battles automatically suck in all the surrounding units. Sometimes I wanted to exclude a unit from joining a battle
- Then again, sometimes I had trouble with some reinforcements not joining a battle. This seemed to happen particularly in sieges.
- Cavalry charge ability didn’t seem to work?
- In the beginning it felt a bit unclear when the enemy skipped their turn. Got used to it, but new players would benefit from clarity.
- Disabling any optimized, automated placement of units in the beginning of deployment phase would more actively force the player to look for the best tiles to deploy on. Currently a bit too much handholding.


- Units need a true sleep button from which they never wake up. Sentries wake up to every neutral unit.
- I’d love to see culturally appropriate hats on the avatars. Don’t know if it’s difficult to implement
- Diplomatic decisions could affect the negotiators’ ideological axis. For example, scientific agreement takes you toward progress, refusing to cooperate toward homeland, and cooperation toward world.
- The auto-explore mechanic disregards deep seas causing surprising deaths by drowning.
- A bug occurred during some late game sieges, when the siege control panel didn’t show at all, not letting me abandon, assault or maintain the siege. Just stuck for the rest of the game.
- Manually moving an auto-exploring unit should disable the auto-explore.
- When detaching a unit from an army it’d be more fluent if the selection followed into the detached unit instead of remaining in the source army. Too many times I detached a unit and then accidentally moved the bigger army.

Points of confusion

- Didn’t seem able to negotiate open borders with a civ that’s a vassal under another civ. Not even by talking to their liege.
- How do I place a luxury manufactory in a later era when all the deposits already have an artisans’ quarter?
- When choosing a culture, the text “Unlocks action Buyout on Empire” seemed pointless. Isn’t it always unlocked anyway?
- Barbican seemed pretty useless. Not even the city watch infrastructure carries over to it?
- I seemed to get the defending bonus while attacking in a battle I initiated.
- I found it weird that I was rewarded for declaring a surprise war with a badge that’s beneficial to me.
submitted by RemuEetu to HumankindTheGame [link] [comments]

Wheelz Casino 20 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required

Wheelz Casino 20 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required

Wheelz Casino Review & Bonuses
Claim 20 exclusive free spins to Wheelz Casino! In order to qualify for this no deposit bonus all you have to do is register via the special promotional link below. Additionally, you will get 100 free spins and 100% bonus on your first deposit. For example, deposit 300 EUR and get 600 EUR bonus money!
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Wheelz Casino Overview

Innovative online casino operator Rootz LTD is celebrating the launch of its third online casino.
Wheelz Casino follows hot on the heels of breakout brand, Wildz and last year’s eagerly awaited release, Caxino, building on the roaring success of its sister sites.
Promising to deliver uncharted levels of player customisation, Wheelz is built on Rootz’s own powerful gaming platform that allows for seamless navigation and the provision of real-time rewards, wrapped in a colourful and engaging interface.
Since debuting with flagship brand, Wildz in 2019, the developer has been recognised for their rapid ascent through numerous industry award nominations. With their third portfolio addition, the veteran crew is hoping to wow even more online casino enthusiasts by leveraging machine learning that has proved so successful with previous ventures, fine-tuned over the course of several years.
In-house smart systems comprise an essential component in Rootz’s toolkit, with their influence felt across all key areas of the business, such as AML and Rewards. Payment times at Wheelz are also some of the fastest in the industry, supported by robust processes developed over time.
As to the face of the brand, there is one recent revelation that is giving the Malta-based operator a particular cause for excitement.
Rootz has agreed to partner up with showbiz legend David Hasselhoff – of Baywatch and Knight Rider fame, to act as Wheelz brand ambassador.
“The Hoff”, as he is affectionately known in circles worldwide, is expected to return to his acting roots as the star of Wheelz TV ads, and the collaboration will even see the Hollywood megastar Hoff feature in his own dedicated bonus games at Wheelz. The Hoff admits to feeling at home in the casino environment, even telling Wheelz: “If I had to pick a favourite casino game, it would definitely be craps.”
Hasselhoff may be happy to hear his favourite game, plus a host of other dealer-dealt live-streamed table games, are on offer at Wheelz – along with hundreds of popular video slot titles. As he has done throughout life, the star will be looking to bring his own brand of cool to the party at Wheelz, stating: “That word ‘cool’, is a real big word to me.”
Pulling off a major coup in the capture of Hasselhoff, the trailblazers at Rootz are confident they’ve acquired arguably the biggest global star ever to represent an MGA-accredited online casino. As yet there has been no word on whether The Hoff will be travelling to Malta as part of his obligations, but the situation was left marked ‘watch this space’ by a Rootz representative when pressed. is an online casino operated by Rootz LTD with MGA license number MGA/B2C/599/2018.
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Key Features of Wheelz Casino

  • 20 No-Deposit Free Spins upon Signup: When you join up at Wheelz Casino, you will receive 20 free spins right away. No deposit necessary.1
  • Welcome Bonus: The Welcome Bonus features a 100% deposit bonus up to €300 plus 100 free spins2. On a player's first deposit, up to €300 will be matched with bonus money.
  • Games: Wheelz will launch with over 1300+ titles including online slots, live casino, jackpot and table games.3
  • Payments: Wheelz employs the same payment types and limits (click country flags in the footer for localised payment details) found on our other brands.
  • Feature - Wheel of Spinz: This enhanced level up game features enhanced machine learning algorithms to better hone in the correct prizes and values. On every 6th round on Wheel of Spinz, the player illuminates the entire Wheelz logo (with one letter lighting up on each spin), and the player wins 2x their reward. So, for example, if the player lands on 25 spins on their 6th attempt, they would receive 50 total spins.
  • Feature - Extra Wheel: At random, a David Hasselhoff themed pop-up bonus game will appear. The player spins to win rewards such as cashback, double speed, progress bar to 99%, and other rewards. Like with Wheel of Spins, lighting up all four letters of HOFF every four apins will double the rewards.

Wheelz Casino by David Hasselhoff

Wheelz are pleased to announce that they have made a deal with Mr David Hasselhoff to serve as a brand ambassador for the Casino. The Hoff will be featured on banners, web ads, and Wheelz has even built the aforementioned Extra Wheel bonus game.
>> Get Free Bonus Here <<
submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

PATCH NOTES - Content Update #4, Biomes & Beasties

1.0174, 09/02/2021
1.0173, 29/01/2021
1.0172, 14/1/2021
1.0171, 13/1/2021
1.0170, 12/1/2021
1.0169, 6/1/2021
1.0168, 18/12/2020
1.0167, 17/12/2020
1.0166, 10/12/2020
1.0165, 09/12/2020
1.0164, 08/12/2020

Changes to new games only

Changes on all games (previous & new saves)

submitted by emilygamedev to beforeweleave [link] [comments]

Wheelz Casino 20 gratis spins + €300 free bonus + 100 free spins

Wheelz Casino 20 gratis spins + €300 free bonus + 100 free spins

Wheelz Casino Gratis Spins & Free Bonus
Open your account at Wheelz Casino and receive 20 Gratis Spins (no deposit bonus). In addition, claim a 100% bonus up to €/$300 and 100 free spins on the first deposit! This is a fully Malta-licensed online casino recommended by The Hollywood Super-Star: David Hasselhoff (The Hoff). Click on the bonus link and claim extra free spins!
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Wheelz Casino Review

It’s Hofftastic! Following in the footsteps of Wildz and Caxino, Wheelz Casino is the third brand launched by award-winning Rootz Ltd within a short 2 years. Oh, and the Hoff is on board… a special surprise to see the Knight Rider star becoming an ambassador for Wheelz Casino. Expect to find everything a modern online casino should offer its players – thousands of slots and table games plus dozens of live dealer games from top providers, generous rewards from the Wheel of Spinz, even more rewards from Hoff’s Extra Wheel, regular Multiplier Tournaments with big prize pools, 24/7 live chat support, fast payments and much more.
Launched on 13th January 2021, Wheelz Casino is owned and operated by newly minted MIGEA award winner Rootz Limited on their proprietary platform under a license from the MGA Malta. Currently, they do not accept players from Australia, the United Kingdom or Sweden.
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Our First Experience

The relatively short journey of Rootz Ltd has been nothing short of spectacular, especially when considering the highly competitive nature of the iGaming world. It took the team less than three years to build their own gaming platform, win coveted awards, and in between launch their first two online casinos – Wildz and Caxino, earning along the way a stellar reputation for fairness, lag-free games, professional support, and prompt, reliable payments. With Wheelz Casino they are adding the third brand to their portfolio with a mission to not only meet but exceed the expectations of players from around the world including me on my first tour to see what’s on offer.
The first thing that jumps out when loading Wheelz Casino is their cheerful ambassador. David Hasselhoff, better known as The Hoff and one of the biggest showbiz stars on the planet has agreed to become the ‘Face of Wheelz’, adding another layer of entertainment and rewards to the casino experience. All packaged into a bright and sleek gaming site that is operated on their proprietary platform known for speed and state-of-the-art technology, delivering a seamless online casino visit on any desktop, tablet and mobile device.
Wheelz Casino proclaims that registration can be completed in under a minute. I can confirm that I did in just under 2 minutes at a leisurely speed. Off to a good start. There is no need to instantly upload your KYC documents for account verification as the payments team will request them at some point when you reach a certain threshold in transactions. However, if you want to get it done immediately, then swing by the friendly live chat and ask to have the upload facility activated. You can then complete the KYC check right at the start.
New arrivals at Wheelz Casino will be off to a “hofftastic” start thanks to generous welcome package that is tailored to their country of residence. It can contain no-deposit spins, deposit bonuses, bonus spins or a combination of the three. Please note that the no-deposit spins might not be available in all countries and wagering requirements with bet limits, game weighting and restrictions apply to all bonuses according to the Wheelz Casino bonus terms and conditions. Make sure to read them in full to avoid breaking the rules. And don’t worry, they are not overly long and pretty clear. A big positive is that Wheelz is keeping cash and bonus balances separate, hence, if you hit a big win with a cash bet you can simply forfeit the bonus and withdraw your winnings.
Hit the orange button whenever you feel ready to make your first deposit and choose from an extensive list of payment methods such as bank transfer, debit/credit cards, e-wallets like MuchBetter, Skrill, or Ecopayz, prepaid cards, instant banking options including Klarna and Trustly as well as pay by mobile solutions such as Zimpler and Siru. Not all are available in every country. As for the reverse, looking at withdrawals times of the two sister site, they do pay fast and that 7/365 including weekends and public holidays, usually in 0-8 hours to e-wallets. Bank and card transfers are processed daily.
The casino lobby is filled with well over 1,000 slots and table games from some of the best providers including NetEnt, Play’n GO, Quickspin, Push Gaming, Big Time Gaming, NoLimit City, Red Tiger Gaming, Yggdrasil, Swintt, and more. You can use at any time the intuitive search function that allows you to look for a specific game or a provider. The Live Casino tables are powered by Evolution Gaming and Ezugi.
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The Wheel of Spinz

Wheelz Casino is on a mission to offer an unprecedented level of gamification that separates itself from other loyalty programs by personalizing the rewards. The structure is divided into three parts – Wheelz of Spinz, Hoff’s Extra Wheel and Wheelz Loyalty, each directly reflecting the level of activity and wagering at the casino.
The backbone of the program is the Wheelz of Spinz, a level-type reward. Completing the progress bar will level you up and award one spin on the wheel which is filled with free spin prizes on games you play most in the casino and at a value that reflects your average bet size. Special supercharged spins will be triggered for every six levels, doubling the rewards on the wheel.
The second part is Hoff’s Extra Wheel which can pop-up randomly at any time you are logged in and play games. You will get one spin on the wheel that includes prizes such as Cashback Rewards, Free Spins, Double or Triple Speed, 99% Boost on the Progress Bar and merchandise. A supercharged version of the will be awarded after every four standard Extra Wheels which again has double the usual prizes.
The final part is reserved for most loyal players. Those qualifying will be invited to join the Wheelz Loyalty program which offers up to 20% cashback with no wagering requirements and a dedicated account manager. Plus, all rewards from the wheels, as well as the cashback, completely wager- free, no ifs and no buts. The criteria that would trigger an invitation are not published but we recommend that players who are VIP customers at other casino brands to contact support to potentially have an expedited admission to the program.
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Support and Responsible Gambling

Should you have any queries or problems, rest easy as Live Chat is available 24/7/365 including weekends and public holidays. Multi-lingual support agents are ready to assist you at any time in the best way possible. Of course, you can also contact them via Email. For your convenience, you can load the site in English, Finnish, French, German, Japanese or Norwegian languages.
Wheelz Casino is committed to delivering a fun gaming experience while offering all tools for Responsible Gambling that will allow its players to stay in control of their spending on the site. A range of limits for deposits, session time, and losses can be self-set or cool-off periods and self-exclusions activated. We strongly recommend making use of the provided options.

The Verdict

Just going by our experience with the two sisters' sites Wildz and Caxino, we expect Wheelz Casino to provide a stellar online game experience. It surely has all ingredients to perform at the top level. Game choice, lightning=fast payments, 25/7 support, personalized rewards, all under the auspices of an MGA license should please any player looking for an exhilarating gaming hangout.
>> Claim No Deposit Free Spins <<
submitted by freespinsnetent to u/freespinsnetent [link] [comments]

Bloons TD 6 - Patch Notes! Version 18.0

Bloons TD 6 - Patch Notes! Version 18.0
Edit: Update 18.1 is now available. Full a list of changes you can read the patch notes here.

Awesome New Features

  • New water based Hero, Admiral Brickell
  • 2 Awesome New Maps
    • Expert - Flooded Valley
    • Intermediate - Bazaar
  • 2 New Monkey Knowledges
    • Bank Deposits - Invest money into your banks to kickstart them
    • Ambidextrous Rangs - Allow Boomerangs to swap their throwing hand

Key Features

  • Added codeless ‘Local’ Matchmaking to co-op for users connected over the same wifi
  • Added Player Profiles, with lifetime records of your accomplishments.
    • Players can view their own profiles, by interacting with a new avatar on the main menu, and pick up to 7 unique stats to share for anyone viewing the profile
    • Other players will be able to view these shared stats on player profile popups found on leaderboards & in co-op lobbies.
  • Added Player Stats recording to profiles & victory callouts to singleplayer games
  • Insta Monkey collection pages now list your total collected # out of all 64 for each tower

Bug Fixes & General Changes

  • Updated the text on the pre-game ‘update’ prompt
  • Resolved some update messages not linking back to the correct store page
  • Increased resolution for some victory callouts that were too small
  • Resolved issues with some towers clipping their projectiles over their heads
  • Resolved some localization issues with Jukebox
  • Swapping hero skin then loading save should no longer desync the portrait and model
  • Resolved some UI panels displaying at incorrect times
  • Hero upgrade pages should display the correct level when viewed in game now
  • Resolved some issues with viewing challenge rules
  • Monkey Star Portrait in victory callout should display correctly
  • Achievement images on low-resolution devices should appear slightly less compressed now.
  • Resolved an issue with UI panels appearing when they should not
  • Optimized some code in the jukebox
  • It should not be possible anymore to ‘miss’ an unlock if the game crashes on an unlock screen
  • Resolved some placement issues on Candy Falls
  • Default music for the map Logs has been set to Sunset Samba
  • Square towers place correctly on Frozen Over again
Boomerang Monkey
  • 400 Boomerang Monkey’s X is back on the hood
Bomb Shooter
  • 3xx and 4xx Descriptions updated to reflect range and frag changes
Sniper Monkey
  • x5x Elite Targeting has had an issue resolved where it was measuring track distance off-screen and thus triggering much later than intended on most maps
Monkey Sub
  • 2xx Advanced Intel no longer permanently breaks after being placed back down from a Door Gunner. Note that intel itself still can not apply when used as a Door Gunner
Monkey Buccaneer
  • x4x Monkey Pirates description updated & translated
Heli Pilot
  • x4x Towers in-transit from one location to another will no longer be sold when a platform that was supporting them is moved or destroyed
  • x4x Redeploy should always drop onto the correct layer now
  • x4x Selling a Support Chinook will no longer occasional randomly sell other towers
  • x4x Support Chinook will no longer crash the game attempting to redeploy an Arctic Wind monkey onto its own frozen platform
Wizard Monkey
  • 040 Phoenix can no longer be sacrificed to a temple if it flies over the top
Super Monkey
  • xx4 Dark Champion’s drop-down prompt for Darkshift updated to read ‘any valid location’
  • 5xx Permabrew’s buff will no longer be removed from all buffed towers when the alchemist is crosspathed
  • Berserker Brew, Stronger Stimulant and Permanent Brew now have different buff icons
  • x3x Unstable Concoction now works correctly
  • x5x Spirit of the Forest description updated
Banana Farm
  • x3x Banks ‘collect’ buttons are now correctly translated
Monkey Village
  • Primary Training, Mentoring and Expertise now all have different buff icons
  • Primary Mentoring/Expertise should no longer fail to apply their buffs sometimes when towers in range are on lower heights
  • Some descriptions updated to match current values
Striker Jones
  • Some descriptions updated to match current values
Captain Churchill
  • MOAB Barrage will no longer target ‘Last’ with the majority of projectiles.
Pat Fusty
  • Some descriptions updated to match current values
  • Vengeful Joan of Arc Adora should use her Vengeful voice correctly at all times
Monkey Knowledge
  • Mana Shield description updated
  • A number of ‘first time’ knowledge points that were being lost if unused before loading a save should now correctly save

Balance Changes

Dart Monkey
  • Crossbow Master reworked so that 205 is roughly equal in power to the old 025
  • The 025 variation will now offer even faster attack speed but with much less pierce
  • xx5 Crossbow Master fire rate increased from 0.2375s to 0.16
  • xx5 Crossbow Master pierce reduced from 23 to 10
  • 105 Crossbow Master pierce increased by +6 to 16
  • 205 Crossbow Master pierce increased by +7 to 23
Boomerang Monkey
  • 204 Boomerang now increases the Knockback power of MOAB Press by 50%
Bomb Shooter
  • x1x Bomb Shooter fire rate buff Increased from +20% to +25%
  • x2x Bomb Shooter fire rate buff from +15% to +20%
  • 302 Bomb Shooter increases radius of Frags from 2 -> 3
  • 302 Bomb Shooter increases pierce of Frags from 1 -> 2
  • 302 Bomb Shooter increases lifespan of Frags from 0.191‬ -> 0.257
  • 402 Bomb Shooter increases damage of Frags from 1 -> 2
  • 402 Bomb Shooter increases lifespan of Frags from 0.191‬ -> 0.322
Tack Shooter
  • x2x Super Range Tacks now increases pierce by +1
  • x3x Blade Shooter does not benefit from this increased pierce
Monkey Sub
  • 410 Submerged Reactor Sub gains 20% increased pierce from 70 -> 84
  • 420 Submerged Reactor Sub gains increased damage to Lead +1
  • 301 Submerge and Support Sub gains increased pulse rate 1.5s -> 1.275
  • 302 Submerge and Support Sub gains increased pulse rate 1.5s -> 0.95625
  • 401 Submerged Reactor Sub gains increased damage pulse rate 0.3s -> 0.255
  • 402 Submerged Reactor Sub gains increased damage pulse rate 0.3s -> 0.19125
  • 1xx Monkey Sub range increase increased from 8 -> 10
  • 1xx Monkey Sub increases the range of Ballistic Missile
  • x3x Ballistic Missile price reduced from $1,500 -> 1,400
  • x3x Ballistic Missile Ceramic+ damage increased from 5 -> 6
  • x3x Monkey Sub range increased from 42 to 60
  • x3x Ballistic Missile range reduced to 60, matching the regular sub attack
  • 230 Ballistic Missile attack gains full map coverage
  • 031 Ballistic Missile attack rate increased from 1.5s -> 1.275
  • 032 Ballistic Missile attack rate increased from 1.5s -> 0.75
  • xx5 Sub Commander now applies 2x damage to Energizer & Ballistic Missiles
  • xx5 Sub Commander increases Lead bonus of 420 Reactor Sub from 1 to 2
  • xx5 Sub Commander increases Energizer damage by 2x
  • xx5 Sub Commander increases Ballistic Missile Multi-HP Bloon damage from 6 to 12
  • xx5 Sub Commander increases damage of Pre-Emptive Strike from 750 to 1500
Monkey Buccaneer
  • 4xx Aircraft Carrier planes each gain a homing MOAB missile with an attack rate of 3s, Radius 30, Pierce 3, Damage 15.
  • 5xx Carrier Flagship projectile speed for all plane attacks increased +100%
  • 5xx Carrier Flagship darts from planes deal increased ceramic damage +3
  • 5xx Carrier Flagship homing MOAB missiles upgraded to Rate 1.5s, Pierce 4, Damage 30
  • 5xx Carrier Flagship’s 15% attack rate buff expanded to now also benefit Monkey Ace in addition to Water Towers.
Heli Pilot
  • xx4 Comanche Defense will now instead spawn 1 Comanche the first time any Bloon crosses 25% of the track each round.
  • xx4 Will also spawn 2 additional Comanche at 50% of the track. If the first Comanche is still on screen it’s duration will be refreshed and only 1 extra will spawn
  • xx4 Will also spawn 3 additional Comanche at 75% of the track. If the 2nd set of Comanche are still on screen their duration will be refreshed and only 1 extra will spawn
  • Comanche will now spawn from the side of the map closest to where the triggering Bloon is located
  • Comanche spawn movespeed now increased to always be 30 more than the speed of the main Comanche Defense tower (45 + 30 for 75).
  • 024 Comanche Defense will also apply increased flight speed to spawned Comanche
  • xx5 Mini Comanche will load in under the main Commander when loading a save instead of at the edge of the screen
  • The tiers for the xx1 Faster Darts and xx2 Faster Firing upgrades have been swapped
Mortar Monkey
  • xx5 Blooncineration’s Walls of Fire can now detect Camo Bloons
Wizard Monkey
  • 120 Wizard now uses tower targeting priority to guide the Wall of Fire
  • x2x Wall of Fire pierce reduced from 20 -> 15
  • 021 Wall of Fire pierce increased from 15 -> 20
  • xx4 Necromancer Wizards now each have their own personal ‘graveyard’ of 500 capacity rather than 1 shared pool of 2000
  • xx4 Necromancer Wizards will display their current graveyard size above their portrait next to their pop count. Any Bloons popped within the Shimmer radius of a Necromancer can be absorbed into that graveyard, but 1 pop will not fill more than 1 graveyard.
  • xx4 Necromancer Wizards will now be able to retain any Bloons in their graveyard for 1 extra round before expiring
  • xx4 Necromancer Wizard’s Zombie lifespan increased from 8 -> 10
  • xx4 Necromancer Wizard’s Zombie spawn rate is increased by a flat 10% for every 100 Bloons in the grave reaching a maximum of double attack speed at 500 capacity.
  • xx5 Prince of Darkness Graveyard Capacity increased to 2000
Banana Farm
  • xx3 Marketplace now produces an additional 4 bananas
  • xx4 Central Market banana value increased from 20 -> 70
  • xx4 Central Market no longer produces an additional $900 chunk at end of round
  • 4xx Sentry Expert’s Boom Sentry blast radius increased 12 -> 18
  • 4xx Sentry Expert’s Boom Sentry attack rate increased 1.4 -> 1.3
Obyn Greenfoot
  • Obyn’s level 2 buff of +1 pierce now only applies to Druids
  • Obyn’s level 11 added bonus of +2 pierce to this buff still applies to all magic towers
  • These bonuses will both stack together on Druids at level 11
submitted by NoSneezePlz to btd6 [link] [comments]

Monkey Knife Fight Plays NBA Slate 1.7

Monkey Knife Fight Plays NBA Slate 1.7
What? Did you think MKF was going to end just because the NFL season is ending? Now that we have a handful of NBA games under our belt we have enough data to attack these slates. So now we will not only be providing weekly selections for NFL but we will also be giving plays for NBA as well! WinDaily Sports is proudly partnered with Monkey Knife Fight for the 2020-21 NBA season! MKF is offering you a FREE WinDaily Gold membership for three months ($90 value) simply for making your first deposit on Monkey Knife Fight. And if free gold isn’t attractive enough, they’re also offering a 100% match bonus up to $50 when you use promo code WINDAILY. Click on the link below to learn more
Quick Note: One thing that you will see is that I will try to stay away from high risk plays. Everyone loves the big win but the goal here is steady growth over the long term. It’s ok to take the occasional shot whenever it makes sense but that should not be your standard “go to” if you want to continue to grow your bankroll.

Monkey Knife Fight Plays NBA Slate 1.7:

Star Showdown (Early Games) More or Less (2 of 2): 3x return
The only thing Kyrie Irving has done since the Spencer Dinwiddie injury is average a usage rate of 32.46%, 21.75 shots per game, and just under 34 minutes a contest. In the first two games after the injury Kyrie was clearly trying to play hero ball and his FG% suffered as he continued to throw up bad shots. In his last two however he’s looked much more comfortable seeing an almost 20 point improvement on his field goals. Now you add in Durant missing the game tonight and the usage and shot count will be even higher against a 76’ers team with a 224 point implied total. Over
Colin Sexton on the other hand is the only offensive weapon Cleveland has with the exception of Drummond with around a 25.5% usage rate on 19 shots per game. Now he gets to go against one of the faster paced teams in Memphis without their best player in Ja Morant. Vegas seems to be adjusting to the loss of Ja finally with the implied total of only 210.5, but Memphis is only a 4 point favorite so Sexton should get his usual mid-upper 30’s in minutes. Over

More or Less (2 of 2): 3x return
We talked about the reasons for going with Kyrie above. The sheer usage he’ll get tonight leans me towards the over but with no Spencer or Durant I expect Brooklyn as a whole to struggle against Philly. In games where the 76ers feel comfortable with their lead they have no issues letting Joel Embiid take a breath and in those games he’s lucky to break 30 minutes. His usage rate also drops from around 33% to around 23% on average and he’s only exceeded 21 points once out of the four games where they carried a strong lead into the 4th.

More or Less (2 of 2): 3.5x return
Anthony Davis is dealing with an abductor strain so we all know what that means. Mr. Glass is notorious for sitting when dealing with almost any injury and the times he does go he leaves early half the time after aggravating the injury. If you take AD off the court Lebron James‘s usage rate jumps from 32.7% to 34% and he averages around 30 points per 48 minutes. He also has a limited sample against the Spurs themselves and has scored 26 points in each of the contests this season. Over
DeMar Derozan has also been extremely consistent in his limited sample against the Lakers this season scoring 23 points in each contest with a usage rate of around 22.5%. I am aware that in those two games LaMarcus Aldridge was not on the court but even with LMA on the court there is minimal impact in any substantial way to Derozan’s stats and even a slight uptick in usage and points per minute. Over
Thanks for taking the time to look through my Monkey Knife Fight Plays NBA Slate 1.7. Looking forward to seeing some green screens this evening. Any questions about the breakdown, I will be available all day in the WinDaily Discord chat. Don’t forget to subscribe to the WinDaily Youtube channel and follow @WinDailySports on Twitter to stay current and up to date on all of our fresh new content!
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Jackpot City Casino 100 free spins bonus Christmas Promotion

Jackpot City Casino 100 free spins bonus Christmas Promotion

Jackpot City Casino Xmas Bonus Wheel
Spin our Xmas Bonus Wheel and win up to 100 free spins to Jackpot City Casino! On top of that, get up to $1,600 free credits in welcome bonuses. That's probably the best Microgaming Casino Bonus out there!
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Jackpot City Casino has been home to frequent 'jackpots', since its inception in the year 1998. With more than 500 entertaining online casino games on the gaming menu, Jackpot City also offers lucrative bonuses and promotional offers so that you can make the most out of these games either while enjoying its web version or its free mobile download. Keeping a track of all the bonus offers can be daunting, thus, the experts of Casino Leader have compiled a comprehensive list, especially for you:

Jackpot City Casino No Deposit Bonus

Give a kick-arse start to your gambling journey at Jackpot City Casino with No Deposit Bonus. Claim this bonus offer in order to dive into a spectacular gaming adventure without burning a hole in your pocket. To know your share of No Deposit Required Offer, sign up for free with Jackpot City Casino.
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Jackpot City New Player Offer

Every new player at Jackpot City Casino is extended a warm welcome with its 100% Welcome Bonus worth $1,600 bonus credits. In order to claim the entire bonus value, opt-in to the promotional offer & get Free Bonus credits on your each of your first four deposits. No bonus/promo code is required in order to unlock this bonus promotion. But the best part about this casino is yet to come; the players from all over the world can enjoy its new player bonus. The sign-up offer for the players residing in some of the nations have been discussed below -

Jackpot City Casino New Player Bonus for New Zealand Players

If you are a new online player residing in New Zealand, there is a humongous welcome offer waiting for you when you sign up for an account. This casino gives you a NZ$1600 Free bonus on your first four deposits at this casino. The bonus amount is divided among your first four deposits and is available as a 100% match deposit on each of these deposits. This means you get bonus credits on each deposit that you make. Is there anything else you could ask for?
>> Click Here To Collect Your Bonus <<

Jackpot City Casino New Player Bonus For Canadian Players

Jackpot City Casino welcomes all the new players from Canada and offers them a thunderous new player offer with a chance to win a C$1600 bonus. This bonus is bifurcated among the first four deposits that the players make. A 100% match deposit bonus will be added to each of these deposits. The players just need to make a deposit and opt-in to the bonus to make sure they don't miss out on this exciting bonus. No promo code required

Jackpot City Casino New Player Bonus for Australian Players

if you are a player residing in Australia, Jackpot City casino brings you a chance to enjoy free online pokies. Although the Jackpot City casino is not available in Australia for real money players, but the players can enjoy playing for fun by signing up for an account. The signup offer for the Australian players includes a chance to win a 200% match deposit up to 2000 Free Credits for fun.
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Jackpot City Casino New Player Bonus for Players From Argentina

The players hailing from Argentina also get to enjoy their share in the bonuses at Jackpot City casino. They can sign up for an account to win up to AR$56.000 on their first four deposits. A 100% match on the deposit will be given on all the deposits. All that needs to be done is login your account, make a deposit and bonus credits equal to the amount that you have deposited will be automatically credited to your account. But hey! Remember to opt-in to this promotional and don't let this amazing bonus slip away from your reach.

Daily, Weekly & Monthly Promotions of Jackpot City Casino

Jackpot City Casino has a plethora of Daily, Weekly & Monthly promotions in-store, to enhance your game-play. These bonuses give away rewards that range from Free Spins, cash and casino credits to gadgets, 5-star cruises, and exotic holidays. In order to know more about your share of daily, weekly, and monthly promotions, login to your real money account at Jackpot City Casino.
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Jackpot City Casino Match Bonuses

Jackpot City Casino offers Match Deposit Bonuses during the midweek and weekend. Claim these Match Deposit Bonuses in order to beat the monotony of of the mid-week and perk up your play on weekends. You'll be informed about your share of match via email or alert notification on your account. Also, you'll be required to fulfill certain wagering requirements to make a withdrawal of the bonus funds and winnings associated.

Jackpot City Loyalty Rewards Program

Get paid for your loyalty with Jackpot City Casino Loyalty Rewards Program as the more you play, the more loyalty points you earn; and these loyalty points/comp points are further redeemable for real cash. So, are you all geared up to convert your cash bets into cash back? If yes then navigate to Jackpot City Casino signup for a free real money account and place as many cash bets as you can!

Jackpot City Casino VIP Rewards Program

The red carpet of Jackpot City Casino is adorned with more Free Spins, casino credits and cash bonuses than the standard casino offers; and this carpet is exclusively rolled out for VIP players. Apart from these extra perks, a VIP player also gets to avail the personal assistance of VIP hosts at any point of time irrespective of day or night.
>> Click Here To Collect Your Bonus <<
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Emojino Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Emojino Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Emojino Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Open your account at Emojino Casino and receive 20 Exclusive Free Spins! In addition, take advantage of 100 gratis spins and a 100% welcome bonus. There are €1500 and 120 free spins up for grabs! Fast payments! Mobile-friendly website! No download needed!
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Emojino Casino casino review

We decided to try out Emojino Casino and put it to the test, collected all the important details, and turned it into a neat little packet - all neatly for Your benefit. Same as always, we’re happy to report good and not so good aspects of the casino. Because it’s our pride to keep you and all our other readers well-informed, we’ve mentioned everything you’d want to know.
We examined the available casino bonuses and the T’s & C’s for the bonuses (remember that the T’s & C’s are super important when assessing the overall quality of a casino bonus). We also tried out the functionality of Emojino Casino mobile casino, looked into the selection of games, had a chat with their customer support, and gone through the fine print for the available payment options. We’ve obviously also controlled their policy about responsible gaming as well as other important details about the casino.

Emojino Casino casino review

We decided to try out Emojino Casino and put it to the test, collected all the important details, and turned it into a neat little packet - all neatly for Your benefit. Same as always, we’re happy to report good and not so good aspects of the casino. Because it’s our pride to keep you and all our other readers well-informed, we’ve mentioned everything you’d want to know.
We examined the available casino bonuses and the T’s & C’s for the bonuses (remember that the T’s & C’s are super important when assessing the overall quality of a casino bonus). We also tried out the functionality of Emojino Casino mobile casino, looked into the selection of games, had a chat with their customer support, and gone through the fine print for the available payment options. We’ve obviously also controlled their policy about responsible gaming as well as other important details about the casino.
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Frequently asked questions

Is Emojino Casino a scam?
What is Emojino Casino wagering requirements?
How long does a Emojino Casino withdrawal take?
Do I get free spins at any point of my stay at Emojino Casino?

Emojino Casino Bonuses

By using the bonuses provided, we can play a ton more for our money. We can double, triple, even quadruple our loonies, so even with the hassle of meeting wagering requirements, they’re worth it.
Players often look for a no deposit bonus casino, so we’re looking into the status of it and all other bonuses at Emojino Casino.
Canucks are lucky here, we see some very good bonuses of many different sorts. All new players are rewarded with a no deposit bonus upon registering an account, and at least 100% bonus money upon the first deposit.
Find out all the facts about the Emojino Casino casino bonus below.
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Emojino Casino Bonuses

By adding bonuses to our casino account, we get a whole lot more action for our money. We can double, triple, even quadruple our loonies, so despite the pains that comes with wagering requirements, it’s still worth it.
The no deposit bonus casino tends to be the most popular choice, so we’re looking into the status of it and all other bonuses at Emojino Casino.
Canucks are lucky here, we find some very good and varied bonuses. Any new player that opens an account is rewarded with a no deposit bonus and at least 100% welcome bonus.
Find out all details about the Emojino Casino casino bonus in the following sections.

No Deposit Bonus at Emojino Casino

The free bonus no deposit is probably the players’ favorite casino bonus. So what has Emojino Casino got to offer? Here are all details about the Emojino Casino no deposit bonus.
But, Emojino Casino doesn’t offer a no deposit bonus in any shape or form. We’re less than satisfied with it, but the rest of the casino might be kick-ass, and thus worth it.
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Emojino Casino Welcome Bonus

The casino welcome bonus is the biggest bonus offered at the casino (unless you reach high up in the VIP levels). Most often, players get either free spins or extra bankroll, but some casinos offer both.
Players are treated with a bit of both here at Emojino Casino. Canadians receive bonus money and free spins with the first deposit.
If you max it out, the Emojino Casino welcome bonus offers 100 free spins and 100% bonus money up to 300€. The play through requirements are for the free spins - 40 times the winnings, and for the extra bankroll it’s 40 times the xb. The games you can play while playing with the bonus include .
The Emojino Casino welcome bonus is a four-piece bonus giving you something extra on both your first 4 deposits. If you choose to maximize the bonus, the total value is 1500€.
The players 1st deposit you get 100% bonus money and up to 300€ bigger bankroll.
The players 2nd deposit gives 50% up to 400€ extra bankroll.
The 3rd deposit in this welcome pack gives 25% bonus up to 400€.
The 4th deposit and the final bonus in the welcome package offers 75% up to 400€.
The play through requirement is 40 times the xb.
Make sure you’ve read the T’c & C’s about wagering and the eligible games to play.

Emojino Casino Promotions

Players who enjoy bonuses are usually looking for new and more options. And by all means, a deposit bonus gives us more action for our money. So, what does this casino have to offer?
Emojino Casino has a variation of recurring bonuses, offers, and competitions. They’re not offering something every day of the week, but it’s plenty a week for the infrequent player. The Emojino Casino deposit bonus deals are of high standard all things considered.
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Emojino Casino Bonus Codes

No need to look for an Emojino Casino bonus code. The casino doesn’t use them. Players can select the bonus they would like to claim while making the deposit. This creates a smoother experience for the players to easily claim bonuses quickly and without casino rewards bonus codes.
Emojino Casino Bonus details
  1. Deposit Bonus 100% / €300 + 100 free spins
  2. Deposit Bonus 50% / €400
  3. Deposit Bonus 25% / €400
  4. Deposit Bonus 75% / €400

Emojino Casino Game Providers List

The selection of casino games from popular gaming providers is an important ranking factor for us at Mr. Gamble. A good casino should offer a good selection of video slots from some of the best gaming providers. There should also be a live casino available with a good variation of live games. And Emojino Casino has made sure to tick all the boxes here.
Emojino Casino offers roughly 1000 casino games from 24 gaming providers, together with a good . This is very impressive. It’s a sign of a truly good online casino.
With additions such as
  • Blackjack
  • Roulette
  • Video Poker
  • Baccarat
  • Craps
  • Lotto
  • Keno
there’s more than enough to keep us entertained for a long time.
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Emojino Casino Mobile

In these modern days, with the entire world in our pocket, we expect good casinos to work as well on mobile phones as it does on a desktop computer or laptop. All you really should have to do in order to play casino on your phone is to start an account and just start playing your favorite mobile slots, whenever and wherever. And Emojino Casino offers a good mobile casino.
Emojino Casino has the majority of their games available in their mobile casino, and the overall functionality is good. There are no obvious issues with the mobile version and we like the useability. It’s clear that Emojino Casino has invested time and energy into creating their mobile casino.
There’s only one thing that should improve, the banking options in the mobile casino. This is often the case, though, because some payment options have less functionality with mobile devices and are more difficult to implement into a casino. The banking options, and the always present fact that the selection of mobile slots and other casino games could have been bigger, are the only issues we’d want to see improved.

Emojino Casino Deposit And Withdrawals

This is as good as it gets. Emojino Casino have really thought about everything. Classical banking methods, such as bank/credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, Maestro), are mixed with several of the most popular e-wallets. It’s all fully functional on mobile devices, too.
The withdrawals are instant if you use an e-wallet (that is: if you’re allowed to withdraw with an e-wallet, better check the bonus T&Cs for this), but with bank/credit cards it’s the usual 3-5 business days. Emojino Casino hardly applies any surcharges, and all payment methods are 100% safe and vouched for. We’re more than happy with the available options here.
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Emojino Casino Support Options

This is another important part of casinos we value and consider in our Casino RankingAlgorithm. It’s of utmost importance to be able to get help, to be able to reach the casino support in case something is wrong. No matter how good a casino is, we might have some questions at some point. This is why all good casinos should provide easy-to-reach support.
The support at Emojino Casino is good enough to keep us. We have several ways to reach the support, including a live chat function. If you’d want call in, or send an email, just go ahead and do so. The only slightly negative point is that the live chat is only open during “business hours”, i.e. when most of us are at work.

Responsible gaming with Emojino Casino

It’s more important than ever with Responsible Gaming. Casinos are held more responsible these days compared to a decade ago. Regulation of the industry has seen the focus increase on the potential issues, such as irresponsible gambling habits and dodgy KYC procedures. Because of regulation, online casinos now have to provide more and clearer safety measures.
  • Time Out Period
  • Self Exclusion
  • Online Transaction History
  • Financial Limits
  • Direct Link to Help Organisation
  • Reality Check Reminder
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Emojino Casino Summary

We really like Emojino Casino. They’re great in many aspects and aren't just another random casino. Their total score is satisfactory and they’ve covered almost all bases.
A 4-Star rating is a good result, and Emojino Casino is really worth a try. Go on and make your way to Emojino Casino right now and benefit from the exclusive Mr. Gamble offers that’s waiting for you.
Even the banking options are top-notch and covers everything from mobile payments to e-wallets and bank cards.. Whatever payment method you’re using you’ll find it here.
submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

Spin Away Casino 100 No Deposit Free Spins (Bonus Code)

Spin Away Casino 100 No Deposit Free Spins (Bonus Code)

Spin Away Casino Review & Promotions
Welcome to Spin Away Casino! Get 100 free spins bonus after registration! Click on the link, open your account, and get a free bonus code. Additionally, claim up to 1000 euro in welcome bonus! Good luck!
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Spin Away has been around since 2020 and is entirely focused on casino. At the moment, 16 software studios with a games count of more than 770 reputable games can be tested out at Spin Away. There might be a different amount of games available to you, depending on the country that you live in. To guarantee a high standard of security, the Spin Away online casino is regulated by the Curaçao eGaming. Beside English, you have 2 other languages, namely Norwegian or German. Our Spin Away review provides additional info about the casino, so continue reading to find out more.


The Spin Away games lobby provides a plethora of games to satisfy customers of all experience levels. Microgaming, Play’n GO and NetEnt are amongst the most popular software providers available at Spin Away, but naturally, you can also choose some of the best slots from other well-established brands. The game selection comprises all game types one can think of, including video slot machines as well as classic slots. Some of the most liked slot games at Spin Away are Star Clusters Megaclusters (Big Time Gaming), Pragmatic Play’s Fruit Rainbow and Sword of Khans created by Thunderkick. The portfolio of games also contains progressive jackpot games, for instance, Stellar Jackpots with Chilli Gold x2 from Lightning Box & Grand Spinn developed by NetEnt.
As an addition to slot games, players can also try out live casino games like live baccarat, live roulette & live blackjack from Evolution Gaming. In addition, you will find live dealer variants of Sic Bo & European Roulette. On top of that, classic table games like Craps, French Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat as well as American Roulette can also be tried out at Spin Away. However, that’s not all – You also have the possibility to play scratch cards, wheel games or keno. Since the accessibility of games varies for each location, we suggest you check out the games section yourself.
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At Spin Away, users have the option to make use of 11 payments to initiate a deposit. This casino provides crypto currencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin. The casino offers well-known credit cards like MasterCard or Visa and e-wallets, for instance EcoPayz. On top of that, the casino accepts prepaid options like CashtoCode and AstroPay as well as bank transfer payments, for one thing Sofort and Bank Wire Transfer. The selection of deposit and withdrawal methods might vary for your country. Keep in mind: The deposit limitations per payment method might be varying. Find out more about the Spin Away deposit limits in the payment section or get in touch with the customer support team.
When paying out, you have the possibility to utilize 11 payout options. Players can make use of payment methods like Sofort, MasterCard, Litecoin or Visa. Every day you are able to initiate a withdrawal beginning at €20 and up to €4.000. Regarding free payouts at Spin Away, there are no restrictions, so an unlimited amount of free withdrawals is possible. Therefore, customers do not need to bear the costs of any withdrawal fees. After requesting a payout, it is checked manually by Spin Away. Typically, it takes 1 to 5 days to carry out the payout at Spin Away. Take into account that your payouts will not be transacted during the weekend. Spin Away has additional payout arrangements for VIP customers, which can be mentioned as another advantage.


When signing up at Spin Away, you only have to follow a few steps. First of all, enter your personal data into the sign-up form. As soon as you added all personal details to the Spin Away registration form, a validation of your account is necessary. For this purpose, casinos typically send a validation link via mail that customers need to follow. As soon as you have validated your account, you are able to start to play.
Undergoing an account verification is needed at Spin Away in order to make transactions. To this end, you have to upload a scan of an official document (Passport, Driving License or ID Card) as part of a KYC procedure. Besides, you are required to confirm your abode by uploading a receipt (phone bill, electricity bill or bank statement) or a banking document (e-wallet photo or credit card photo). The provider bill cannot be older than 90 days when you turn it in. The casino requires you to submit the corresponding documents via an upload through your account. After handing in the documents it does not require longer than one day for the casino to confirm your verification.
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Spin Away provides a few contact opportunities to reach out to the customer service. For one thing, contacting the customer service is possible via email ([email protected]). Typically, you should get an answer to your request within a short time period. In addition, there is a web form on the casino website, that you can use to get in touch with the support team. What’s more, the Spin Away live chat is available 24 hours every day directly on the casino website. During our tests we only had positive experiences with the customer service staff. Additionally, players also have the possibility to go through the FAQ section that covers a number of important questions prior to reaching out to the customer service.
Casinos can only retain their licenses, if they are safe and fair. Spin Away keeps up with the highest security demands by encrypting their website with SSL128. The Curaçao eGaming, which issued a license to Spin Away, tests the security of the casino site constantly.


The Spin Away sign-up offer can be unlocked by every new player. You have the possibility to profit from up to €100 bonus money if you unlock this 100% bonus. Another part of this offer are 100 Free Spins, available for the game Book of Dead. Deposits beginat €20 and can be carried out using EcoPayz, Bitcoin and Litecoin or further payment options. Activating the maximal bonus is an option if you deposit €100. Then your credits to place bets with is €200. You do not have to add a bonus code.
You receive the bonus funds automatically within a short time after your payment. The casino has a rejection option that you can make use of if you decide not to make use of the bonus. Using your bonus funds is permitted as soon as you have spent your cash funds. You have the chance to try out slots created by Thunderkick, Big Time Gaming or Play’n GO, as well as other well-known game studios in the current portfolio, using your bonus money. At Spin Away, the usage of multiple new customer promotions concurrently is not permitted.
A payout of your won amounts requires you to wager your bonus 40 times within 30 days. On top of that, completing the wagering requirements of 40 times, that count for the winnings which you scored with the Free Spins, need to be finished. Your bonus will forfeit when requesting a cash out prior to the completion of the requirements. If you exceed the given time frame for the wagering conditions, you will forfeit your bonus and your winnings. Your deposit, of course, is not compromised by this.
>> Claim Exclusive Free Bonus Here <<


In sum, newcomers and seasoned customers can avail of an entertaining gaming atmosphere at Spin Away. At the games section you can select titles from 16 well-known game providers, which means the game variation can be described as varied. Besides, with all common withdrawal and deposit options being accepted at Spin Away, you should be able to find a payment that fits your preferences. Furthermore, customers can profit from generous promotions. So, sign up at Spin Away now and convince yourself!
submitted by freespinsmobile to u/freespinsmobile [link] [comments]

New Players Guide - Tips & Tricks [NA]

Hello everyone,
With all the new players that are bound to be looking for information in the next couple days I figured I'd share some tips! Hopefully these will be useful for new players. I certainly don't consider myself an expert and if anything is incorrect please let me know and I'll fix it.
Please share anything in the comments you thin I should add and I certainly will. I'll be adding more also as more things come to mind.
I hope this helps!
Add me and lets play!
Ship 1 - FRIEND CODE: 10088326
Player ID: Trippi
Rilyania / Trippi

Uses Swords, Wired Lance and Partisan. Good Melee damage and survivability. Excellent Subclass for many classes. Weapon Action is used to Block attacks.
Uses Knuckles, Twin Daggers, Double Saber. Great Melee damage with high risk / reward.
Uses Launchers and Assault Rifles. Your classic Ranged damage class. Straight forward for the most part and easy to use.
Uses Twin Mech Guns and also can use Assault Rifle. Pretty much going to use Twin Mechs exclusively. Weapon Action lets you do a dodge to negate damage. Close range "ranged" class think Gun-Fu.
Uses Rod and Talis. Your classic "Mage" doing Tech damage. Can use a Talis to throw to an area and then have Techs cast from the Talis location. Fire, Lightning, & Ice elements.
Uses Harmonizer and TECH/MELEE damage. Can cast Techs from sub pallet and uses pet skills. Uses pets to deal great damage. Pet's must be leveled up with eggs and sweet box placement for increases in stats etc. This would be considered an advanced class. If you don't properly allocate candy etc it can get costly to fix. Definitely suggest reading / watching a guide before doing too much.
You will likely sub Fighter so a MELEE Mag is suggested (Take the skill tree skill toggle for Melee). But you may want to start a Tech Mag for when Phantom drops.
Uses Wands to do melee attacks that can cause massive elemental damage once you get the buffs from the skill tree. Tech-splosion on hit. Hard to explain, check YouTube. Wind, Dark and Light Damage. Also has boosts to healing and buffs (Shifta, Deband).
Uses Katana or Bow gaining damage from DEX Mag, stat for melee or ranged. Can be played either Ranged or Melee. Very popular and a lot of fun to play.
Uses Jet Boots and Soaring Blades. Also gains damage from DEX Mag. Lots of mobility and can mix up Techs and Melee attacks.
Oh, there's also Gunblades that every class can use.. Pretty underwhelming and I've only ever used them as melee during a PSE Burst when tightly grouped in a corner and things are getting one shot before you can melee them.

HunteFighteSummoner - MELEE Mag, RangeGunner - RANGED Mag, Force/TechteSummoner - TECH Mag (Techter can do Melee), BraveBouncer - DEX Mag (Other classes may want DEX if you plan to go Phantom when released) Also Summoner may want to also raise a TECH Mag got when Phantom releases.
Mags are locked to your character and cannot be traded, transferred, sold or stored. So if you purchase additional Mags be cautious which character uses the ticket.
Make sure to get your Mag from "Officer Cofy" immediately to the right of the main quest givers desk. You should be able to get this almost immediately upon completing the tutorial level. Once you have your Mag you can feed it items to increase its stats which when equiped (don't forget to equip it) increases your stats. Each Character gets 1 Mag for free. You can purchase more for 300AC (approx $3.00) from the AC Shop.
Before you start feeding your Mag be sure you know what class you want to play. You will pretty much always want to either go 200 MELEE, 200 RANGED, 200 TECH, or 200 DEX. Be careful though. Because what may raise one stat will also raise another. You need to find another item to feed your Mag to then reduce the unwanted stat. It's basically a balancing act to try and hit max level Mag (200) with all points put into the desired stat.
Speaking of which don't feel you need to rush and start feeding your Mag right away. Take some time and play each class and be sure you know what Stat you are going to focus on. The stat boost from your Mag is certainly not essential in early game but does help get you over some weapon stat requirements early on. See Random Tips below for info on Mag Food Devices.
You can avoid buying additional mags by using your 3 Character Slots and assigning each one a specialty MELEE, TECH, RANGE.. but to get all 4 you will either need to purchase an additional character slot or a 2nd Mag on one of your characters.

Inventory & Storage:
For Inventory storage by default you will have 50 Inventory slots for picking up items in the field. You can expand this by +100 for 350AC per 10 slots to a maximum of 150. I'd say 150 is not entirely necessary since you can dump items from your inventory to any of your Storage containers while in the field by simply opening up your inventory and selecting an item and choosing "Deposit To Storage". I personally have 150 on one of my characters and I find it's nice.. but 100 is probably the sweet spot just for QOL.
When it comes to Storage (Bank) you will have a "DEFAULT" storage that can hold 200 items and a "CHARACTER" Storage that holds 300. If you get Premium (Approx $15.00 per month) one of the bonuses is the "PREMIUM" Storage which holds 400. There is also option "MATERIAL" Storage that is used to store all materials from fishing and harvesting nodes. This must be purchased on a 30 Day basis for approx $15.00. This is more of a QOL option and isn't really required. You can get by w/o it but just be advised you will pretty much use your entire DEFAULT Storage for Materials, Misc & Consumables.

Class Skill Tree:
As you level up you will gain skill points to use in your class skill tree. You have an option to customize your own build and choose where to put your points, or use the recommended tree allocation. You cannot currently reset your Class Trees unless you are given a Class Tree Reset Voucher when major updates or changes occur. So be aware, you can make a bad build and you'll have to live with it or use the recommended tree option.
So, you didn't listen above and you messed up your skill tree and you hate the recommended tree. What can you do? Well you can't pay to RESET your tree, but you can purchase a 2nd skill tree. So you're not completely sunk. But it will require 500AC per additional tree. Good news is once you get a Reset Voucher it will reset all trees for all classes you have. Additionally you can also move a purchased Skill Tree to a different class at the cost of 100 Star Gems.
PA's and TECHS are learned from the Green Discs you find as loot. PA's are Photon Arts for weapons and Techs are Magic Techniques used by Force / Techter / Bouncer / Summoner. Currently the max level is 10. We are missing some PA's and do not have the ability to modify / craft PA's and Techs yet.
For some build options I'd suggest joining the Ship 1 Discord if you're on Ship 1 and looking at the guides channel, searching reddit (duh) and here:
Extra Guides:

Random Tips:
- After you choose your SHIP and you're at the menu screen move down to "Support Menu" and then "Change Player ID Name" this is where you set your own. Make sure you like what you pick because it's about $30 to change it later. This is important to do because your Player ID is your Universal ID or "Guild Card" in the old games. By default it will just be "PN" followed by numbers (ex: PN5462330) a lot of menus only show your Player ID and people will have no idea who you are.
-This is a big one. Enabling auto-loot will make it so you don't miss or have to pick up neseta (money), photon boosters, unique Weapon badges etc. This will be a life saver especially once you start doing advanced quests.
Go to “Options” in your menu and then go to Game Settings>settings. Near the bottom of the settings screen is several auto loot options. You’ll want pretty much all of them on.
- Upon reaching level 75 with each class you will unlock a ship wide stat boost to all characters. It's not major but does add up. You receive this by talking to the titles NPC to the right of the main Gate way Ship entrance (where you go to start missions). Since these are ship wide any alts you make will received these bonuses also. Not just the character that got the class to 75.
- After you create your character you will have a set amount of time to make any Character Creation adjustments for free. I believe it's about 3hrs someone else has said 5hrs. But not 100%. This time only decreases WHILE playing. To do this either bring up your quick menu and select "Salon" or go to the Shopping Area and it's the pink shop on the second floor. Major changes like face / body shape etc will cost a Salon Pass to change. Salon Pass S (?) (100 Star Gems) is required for Hair Color, CAST Parts Color etc. You can freely change your Hair, Accessories, Eyes, Eye Color, Eyebrows etc at no cost any time.
- When selecting a mission you can check what items drop, what enemies there are and what equipment augments are available. After choosing which Quest location, then difficulty choose "VIEW QUEST LOG" to get a break down of each. This will change depending on the difficult you have selected.
- When accepting Client Orders / Quests you can press RB / LB to scroll through each Map / Location and have it display which ones apply to each zone. So if you're farming Forest, hit up each NPC and grab any Client Orders listed for Forest. Much easier than scrolling through that massive list.
Also, instead of speaking to EVERY npc and selecting the map you want to accept client orders you can instead accept the quest you want then in the menu go to client orders and then "client orders that can be accepted in on going quest" and this will list every client order that can be completed in that quest. I realized this really late and wasted so much time going to every NPC.
- Most weapons have a special action you can activate called.. Weapon action. Rather than having this on your main PA / Tech bar you can bind this to a button press. Ever with controller on Xbox (I set mine to L3). Just note that not all weapons have an action. Example Rods weapon action just changes your PA / Tech Pallet.
- In the Menu under the shopping cart there is the "Fresh Finds Shop" this shop updates daily and sells customization items (appearance) and some other random stuff for Star Gems. Unfortunately you can't preview what they look like. This site here does update daily and links to pictures of each of the fresh finds items:
- You can quickly select items to highlight or sell / move by pressing the Right Trigger (Dash / Dodge Button for PC). You can also HOLD the button down and move over items to continually select them (works great when you have a bunch of items to identify)
- Lock your important items. When in your inventory you can select an item and choose LOCK. This will save you from accidentally selling it or using it as a material in enhancements.
- Make all 3 Characters even if you only plan to play 1. You can do some very quick and easy Daily and Weekly missions to help make some Meseta (money) with these characters. Also you will occasionally be given CLASS SKILL RESET vouchers when major changes / updates occur. You will receive 1 for each created character you have.
- If you get a character level 30 you get rewarded Mag Food which will allow you to feed them to your Mag (Use Device Option). You can feed as many as you want and they only increase the set Stat they are assigned. Each character that does this will get 50x Mag Food for all 4 stats. These can also be purchased off the Player Shop or traded for at the Photon Vendor.
- Start Harvesting ASAP. You will eventually need these materials to make Rings. You have 100 Stamina for fishing and harvesting which allows you 10x Harvest and 10x Fishing. There will be Daily orders worth 100,000 Meseta (money) + that use these fish and also in Franca's Cafe you can make 500,000 by doing the client orders for harvested materials from the old me. Each character you have can do these Daily and Weekly orders. Stamina regenerates at 1 point every 3 minutes. If you level up your stamina will fill and carry over any stamina you had before leveling also.
- At the Visiphone you can choose "Friend Avatars" then "Add Friend Avatar" to have your currently selected character made available to be called on as a Bot helper in missions by your Alt and any of your friends. Even random people will have you show up in the Mission Ally tab too. As you change your build / gear / look go back and re-add to have your Avatar update.
- Put movement, heal, buff & infrequently used PA / Techs on your Sub Pallet (Bottom Bar). Things like Resta, Shifta, Deband, Ilzonde etc. Save your main slots for your most important ones.
ALL ABOUT THEM AUGMENTS - Be sure to check your items for desirable augments such as Modulator and Apprentice Soul. These items will sell for a lot, Hundreds of Thousands.
- Read / Do the Tutorials. There's a lot of small things you can miss if you don't. Especially regarding PSE Burst, Photon Blasts (Mag) etc. It will be beneficial to yourself and your party.
- Link:
- You can only TRADE with other players if you both have a Premium Token (Monthly cost). Same goes for posting items on your PLAYER SHOP. You can browse and purchase regardless though.

Quick Edit on Affixing and Managing Storage: (will make pretty later)
SWAP SHOP: - 10* weapons can be traded at the swap shop for photon spheres or ex cubes. - 10* Units x5 can be traded also. - 12* weapons x3 (sigma etc) can be traded for Lamba Grinders.
AUGMENTS: - Apprentice and Modulator augments show up on Units and can be sold on the player shops for good money. - Keep 6 slot+ (maybe 4 slot early on?) weapons with good modifiers for augmenting down the line.
FOOD AND ENHANCING: - Weapons 9* and below that at +5 or higher keep for enhancing weapons early on. - Use other weapons for feeding mags also. - Vendor most items 8* and below. Unless they have good augments at a slot size you need. 6+ or 4+ early on. - Even low star items can have great augments on them and be used to augment a higher star item. Just remember if you are augmenting a 6 slot weapon only items 6 slots or higher can be used. So if it's a 2 slot item with a great augment. It's still fairly useless unless you do a lot of moving and shuffling around.
Remember we will be getting new content fairly quickly. So don't waste too much trying to augment. It can get very very expensive, quickly.
Here's a link to some guides. Under making meseta and affixing it lists some useful augments:
These aren't difinitive rules, but just what I kind of live by. Don't hoard too much and just keep what you really need. Especially if you don't have the premium storage slot.

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Sometimes you need immediate answers, and that’s what the live chat is for. This can be found within the main menu tab and is available 24/7. Part of our review of Megaslot casino was to vet the live chat option, and we were more than impressed. A customer support agent was with us within seconds and assisted us in a very friendly and efficient manner. The best part about our customer support experience was the amount of detail that the agents put into their answers. A definite thumbs up from us!

Summary of Megaslot Casino

Our Megaslot online casino review team has no trouble recommending this casino to you. We love how they have transformed an online gaming site into a fun and exciting online casino. A valid license, 24/7 support and 1,000+ games, combined with weekly bonuses and a VIP program that you’re entered into right from your very first deposit – what more could you possibly ask for?
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