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[self] My Persona 5 Joker Cosplay. Just missing the wig

[self] My Persona 5 Joker Cosplay. Just missing the wig submitted by TheAceGameboy to cosplay [link] [comments]

[Video Games] The Many Controversies of the Super Smash Bros. Roster

Super Smash Bros. is Nintendo’s premier fighting game franchise. The series released its fifth entry, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, in 2018. The brainchild of Masahiro Sakurai (the man behind Kirby and Kid Icarus: Uprising), it is beloved by many for its fun and easy-to-grasp gameplay, and more notably, its massive crossover status. The Smash series has always been about characters from all different franchises and companies duking it out. With a whopping 81 planned characters (plus seven clone characters, referred to as “Echo Fighters”), every player is bound to find at least one they like.
However, no series is without controversy, and people often find themselves lamenting the characters that DON’T get in, and sometimes even those that do.
I realize that there's a post talking a lot more in-depth about one of these characters, so if you'd like to read that as well here's a link.
A Brief History Lesson
Super Smash Bros. debuted for the Nintendo 64 in 1999, with this classic commercial depicting mascot versions of popular Nintendo characters duking it out to The Turtles’ “Happy Together”. The game was a smash (heh) hit, and featured twelve playable characters (Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Samus, Yoshi, Kirby, Fox McCloud, Pikachu, Luigi, Ness, Captain Falcon, and Jigglypuff). It supported up to four players, and had a variety of items that could be used in battle. More characters were added throughout the sequels, including third party characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man. In the third game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, a new item was added to the game: “Assist Trophies”, summonable NPCs that could assist the player who summoned them in battle. Each Assist Trophy did something different, and many characters who otherwise wouldn’t have a shot at being playable got to appear this way. One such character was Waluigi from the Super Mario Bros. series, who would run around the stage and stomp on opponents while hitting them with his tennis racket, making them briefly immobile.
When the fourth game for the Wii U and 3DS came around, several cuts and changes were made so the game could run on the comparatively weaker 3DS hardware. The game also featured no story mode. However, there were three big hope spots for fans. The first was Mii Fighters, which allowed players to create their own custom fighter (either a Brawler, Gunner, or Swordfighter), with a variety of costumes based on various characters. The second was the inclusion of DLC, which allowed new characters to join after release (for a price, of course). The third was the biggest of all: the Fighter Ballot. This was a chance for fans to vote on which character they’d like to see join Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and WiiU.
The Fighter Ballot
The Fighter Ballot was extremely popular, with thousands of people voting for their favorites. Aside from “meme” picks like Goku or Shrek, some of the most popular choices, at least according to message boards and polls from the time, included Ridley from Metroid, Waluigi and Princess Daisy from Super Mario Bros. (this despite Waluigi still being an Assist Trophy), Sora from Kingdom Hearts, the Inklings from Splatoon, Shantae, Wolf O'Donnell from Star Fox (a character who had been cut during the transition between games) Banjo-Kazooie, Geno from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, and quite possibly the loudest fanbase, King K. Rool from Donkey Kong Country. The ballot came to a close in October 2015, revealing the winner to be…
While Bayo certainly did have her fans and supporters, many people were…underwhelmed, to say the least. Bayonetta was allegedly the most popular character in Europe, and in the Top 5 in America, though some folks found this hard to believe. Things weren’t helped by the unpopular reveal of Corrin from Fire Emblem Fates as a DLC character before the ballot closed, with many people stating that there were too many Fire Emblem characters (at the time, the game had six different characters from the series). Eventually, the game was datamined, and it was revealed that Bayonetta’s data existed in the game just two weeks after the ballot opened up. Mii Fighter costumes of some of the more popular picks were released as consolation prizes, but it still stung. Sakurai stated that the ballot was meant to pick fighters for a future installment, and not for Smash 4, but this is a bit hard to believe given that the website outright said the character would be for Smash 4. However, there was still hope for these characters in the future.
Everyone is Here…?
The fifth game in the series, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, was quite possibly the most hyped-up game of the decade. It promised to be the ultimate (heh) dream match, with every single fighter from past games returning. It also introduced several highly requested newcomers, including Ridley (complete with a shoutout to his supporters), Daisy (I cried tears of joy at her reveal), the Inklings, Simon Belmont (and his descendant Richter) from Castlevania, Isabelle from Animal Crossing, and of course, King K. Rool, all of whom generated a lot of hype. This only expanded when the DLC was revealed, with several unexpected characters from a variety of different companies. However, one character was notably missing: Waluigi.
The Purple-Clad Plumber
For anyone who doesn't know, Waluigi is a character who originates in the game Mario Tennis. He was originally created solely so Wario could have a doubles partner, and quickly became a mainstay of the spin-offs. At first, he was seen as an unnecessary character who only existed as filler, but his role in Matthew Taranto's webcomic Brawl in the Family saw him gain popularity. The comic mostly focused on video game-based gags while occasionally having longer story arcs. Waluigi would show up to take over the comic every once in a while, with his catchphrase "TOO BAD. WALUIGI TIME." often appearing. People loved the comic's take on Waluigi as a zany, over-the-top, and somewhat tragic character. It wasn't long before this version of Waluigi became a meme, with the regular version following.
It’s a Cold and It’s a Broken Waluigi
Generally, Assist Trophies are considered to be a “deconfirmation” for a character. While nothing in the game outright states that a character can’t be playable if they also appear as an Assist Trophy, nothing denies it either. There is technically a chance, as the game does have certain conditions that disable assist trophies on certain stages (for example, the Moon from Majora’s Mask can’t appear on the stage Great Bay, as it appears as a background element). Stage elements can also be affected by which characters are playing in a match. For example, King Dedede won’t appear in the background of Dream Land if he’s also in the match, Toon Link will be replaced by Alfonzo (“Leave it to me!”) on the Spirit Train if another Link is playing, and Fox, Falco, and Wolf have specific dialogue changes referring to one another. However, this has never been confirmed, and Assist Trophies have always been unplayable. Which brings us to Waluigi.
In early June, Waluigi was confirmed to be an Assist Trophy, and therefore unplayable, for the third game in a row. As if to add insult to injury, the video also revealed that Assist Trophies can now be knocked out, and used Waluigi to demonstrate this. People were, to put it lightly, fucking pissed. Memes were made about the situation, songs were written, petitions were signed to get Waluigi included, Matthew Taranto of Brawl in the Family got in on it, years after the comic had ended, and a few (emphasis on a FEW) fans even started harassing Sakurai in an attempt to get the purple plumber in the roster. A small group of Waluigi cosplayers staged a protest at a Smash event, and while they had good intentions, they did make some staff and guests uneasy. Some theorized that the Assist Trophy thing was a red herring, and that Waluigi would be revealed as playable after all. People were literally analyzing the colors of some chairs in the background of a video. It was crazy. Things only got worse for poor Waluigi when the first DLC character was revealed…
…a Piranha Plant. Just a single Piranha plant.
Generic, nameless Piranha Plants have never been playable in any official Nintendo game before this, so its inclusion was a surprise. A few people thought it was a jab at Waluigi supporters (which, let’s be real, it obviously wasn’t). Once the shock wore off, however, the Plant was welcomed into the Smash family with open arms. The fact that it was free for a limited amount of time certainly helped. The next DLC character (and the first in the “Fighters Pass”, a series of five DLC challengers), Joker from Persona 5, was also beloved by the fanbase, with his trailer showing him literally hijacking the 2018 Game Awards. Then E3 2019 came, and fans were speculating on who the next fighter would be, with Erdrick from Dragon Quest, Banjo and Kazooie, and Steve from Minecraft being popular guesses. The latter two, in particular, sparked quite the rivalry.
Bears, Birds, and Blocks
While Banjo-Kazooie was originally considered a Nintendo property (it even had its own commercial from the same people who made the “Happy Together” Smash commercial), with Banjo’s debut (sans Kazooie) being in Diddy Kong Racing, they were developed by the company Rare, which was later bought out by Microsoft. Microsoft and Nintendo are historically rivals, so the bear and bird joining Smash was seen as an impossibility for many years. However, many had hope, given that Microsoft and Nintendo had been on much friendlier terms in recent years. But there were some strikes against them. For one thing, Banjo and Kazooie weren’t exactly…relevant. Their last game, Nuts and Bolts, was in 2008, and was seen by most fans as a disgrace to the franchise due to its change in gameplay and aesthetic. JonTron’s memetic version of “I Will Always Love You” comes as a reaction to this game, in fact. If a Microsoft character WAS added, it would likely be someone more popular. Say…a character from one of the highest-selling games of all time? That’s right, Minecraft.
For weeks, a rivalry brewed between Banjo-Kazooie fans and Steve fans, and a trend called “Steveposting” began to spread. Starting on 4chan, people would post pictures of a grotesque 3D model of Steve harassing other characters, often accompanied by a copypasta starting with “GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING /v/! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Steve (yes, THE Steve from Minecraft) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Steve walks into the spotlight!” The most popular character for Steve to harass was Banjo. People would often argue that Steve had more relevance, and post images of Steve harassing, harming, or killing Banjo and Kazooie. One infamous video featured Banjo walking through a blocky landscape, remarking to Kazooie that they must have ended up in Minecraft instead of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. “Grotesque Steve” reveals himself, shows off Kazooie’s mangled corpse, and approaches Banjo with a sinister look on his face…the rest of the video is disgustingly NSFW, hence why I won’t be linking it or even describing it. If you know, you know. Overall, the rivalry was pretty bitter, and even genuine supporters for Steve grew tired of the “Steveposting”.
Finally, E3 2019 rolled around, and fans were excited for new content from Nintendo. One of the first reveals of the day was the second new DLC character for Smash…that being the heroes from Dragon Quest. Most people thought that Erdrick from Dragon Quest III would be the representative, and while he does appear, he’s not the only one (the heroes from XI, IV, and VIII also show up as alt costumes). Japanese fans were thrilled, American fans weren’t as enthusiastic, and it looked like there would be no more Smash news for the day. That is, until the just before the very end of the presentation. A trailer began, similarly to King K. Rool’s, only to then cut to the King hanging out with Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong. Suddenly, a golden piece bounces across the screen. Wait, is that…a Jiggy? No, it couldn’t be… DK and friends look out the window, to see a familiar silhouette, only for it to be revealed to be the Duck Hunt Dog in disguise. But then everything changes when the new character descends from above and knocks the Dog out of the way. That’s right folks, against all odds, Banjo and Kazooie are in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!
As for Steve, he and his fellow Minecraft friends were eventually added in October 2020 (in his familiar blocky form, thankfully), which put the rivalry to rest for good. Finally, the Steveposting days were over. These new fighters were well-received, but the same can’t be said for the fifth DLC character.
Too Many Swordsmen, Are There?
Generally, if a new game is released after Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, a free update will add content from said game, usually in the form of “spirits”, power-ups you can equip to your fighter of choice to give them a stat boost of some sort. In-universe, they’re explained as characters who have lost their physical form due to events in the game’s story mode. For example, equipping the Hammer Bro spirit will enhance your jumps. One game did not receive free update spirits, however.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is definitely one of the best games of 2019, in my opinion. With four distinct routes, a ton of morally grey characters, and an absolutely bitchin’ theme song, it’s definitely worth a try. While it’s not without its problems, the game is still pretty solid. The reason I bring this up is because Fire Emblem: Three Houses got nary a mention in Smash, despite being a new installment of one of Nintendo’s most heavily-advertised franchises. This led people to speculate that they were saving a Three Houses reveal for later. And as it turns out, they were!
Now, the fourth DLC character, Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury, was not met with the brightest reception from fans. At the very least, he came with a lot of amazing music (a whopping fifty songs from various SNK games). My personal favorite out of these is the theme song from Psycho Soldier. That sax solo though! While some people were obviously mad (or should I say…fatally furious?) about Terry’s inclusion in the game, most of the memes came from fellow SNK character Mai Shiranui’s exclusion from any form of cameo (to preserve the game’s ESRB rating). Anyway, people were really expecting something big for DLC fighter #5.
The fifth DLC character was revealed in January of 2020. Many predictions included Sora from Kingdom Hearts and Dante from Devil May Cry. The trailer dropped, only to reveal that the final character for the Fighters Pass was Byleth, the player character in Three Houses. The trailer had a jab at the common complaint that the roster has too many swordsmen…to which Byleth responds by becoming a swordswoman, as well as using other weapons from their home game. And yet still, people were once again, to put it lightly, fucking pissed. Read the comments on this to get an idea of it. After all, this now marked the eighth Fire Emblem character in the game.
Naturally, some people made memes about the situation. Others jokingly pointed out that one of Byleth’s alternate costumes gave them a red outfit and white hair, just like Dante (though the costume was meant to resemble Three Houses character Edelgard). Voice actress Allegra Clark, who voices a few characters in Three Houses, had this to say about the news. Even to this day, some people are still upset over Byleth’s inclusion.
The Heart of a Marionette
Geno is a character from the cult classic Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. The game is certainly an oddball in the Mario franchise, but it’s beloved to this day by many. Geno appears as a living marionette with a gun arm, and he’s been a popular request for Smash Bros for a while now. He appeared in the famous (and very fake) “Grinch leak”, which incidentally also featured Banjo and Kazooie. YouTube animator TerminalMontage is one of Geno’s most vocal supporters, and even Sakurai has stated that he’s a fan of the character. So, what’s stopping the little puppet from getting in? Licensing. Geno is technically partially owned by Square Enix, so getting him in the game has always been tricky. He appeared as a Mii Fighter costume in Smash 4, but fans had hope that he would appear for real in Ultimate.
Now, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate introduced some very interesting Mii Fighter costumes. Costumes usually come in two parts: headwear and outfits. Headwear can include hats, wigs, helmets, and even masks. That last one is the important one here. Certain Mii Fighter costumes came with a full-head mask of a character rather than just a hat. These costumes, which some fans refer to as “deluxe” costumes, also came with a song, making them feel like a sort of bonus DLC character. The most popular of these is Sans from Undertale, though Cuphead also has one, as do Vault Boy from Fallout and Bomberman (though the latter two don’t come with music tracks).
So, December 2020 rolls around, and with it come the Game Awards. The new Smash trailer shows several of our heroes facing off against the game’s main villain, Galeem…only for it to be sliced in half and killed. Suddenly, “One-Winged Angel” starts to play, and hoooooOOOOOLY SHIT SEPHIROTH FROM FINAL FANTASY VII IS IN. People were, to put it lightly, fucking STOKED!!!!!! There were a few whiny “too many swordsmen” people, but they were drowned out for the most part…
...then came the costume reveals.
Each new fighter generally comes with five new Mii Fighter costumes, whether they be outfits, headwear, or a set of both. Sometimes they’re related to the character, sometimes they aren’t. The first four were pretty basic, with outfits based on Aerith, Barrett, and Tifa, Cloud’s companions from Final Fantasy VII, as well as a hat themed after a Chocobo. The fifth costume, on the other hand, led to a lot of disappointment.
I think we can all guess who it was. Geno fans were upset, and definitely made themselves heard. To make matters worse, Geno’s headwear was just a hat, when a mask would have worked well. Him being a “deluxe” Mii costume could have been a nice compromise to get him in. The aforementioned TerminalMontage made a short video on the topic, showing his disappointment with the results. Quite a few people made fun of Geno’s supporters for ever thinking he’d be playable, while others celebrated the fact that Sora or Lloyd could still have a chance. And all of this came mere months after the revelation that the widely-rumored Geno plush was in fact a myth.
In Conclusion
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate still has three DLC slots left, and everyone is wondering just who the final three will be. Personally, while I’m sure I’ll be content with whoever we get, there’s sure to be some fighting no matter what, and the only way to settle it…is in Smash.
submitted by puellamaggie to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

[help] Beginner needing help for Joker (persona 5) cosplay

I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to cosplay. I want to cosplay as Joker from persona 5, and I"ve found a good outfit and mask, but I can't seem to find a wig with good reviews on amazon. If you've cosplayed as Joker or as someone else with a similar hairdo, do you know where I can get a good wig? Thank you in advance!
submitted by Zev18 to cosplay [link] [comments]

Beginner questions about crossplay

I’m looking to get into crossplay as an 18 yo male, I want to do haru okumura from persona 5 as my first one, but I kinda don’t know how to approach it.
So I know I’m gonna be using a pre made costume, just adding the wig and shoes, I was looking at these:
Persona 5 Okumura Haru Cosplay Carnaval Costume Halloween Christmas Costume
Akira Kurusu Ren Amamiya Joker Cosplay wig Xcoser Persona 5 Hair for Men
Persona 5 Haru Okumura Cosplay Shoes Custom Made
But I was wondering about sizes, I know it’s gonna be the same outfit either way, but I’m a biggger built person and have had a hard time fitting into certain cross dressing stuff, the amazon offers a “mens@ version, but I don’t wanna do that if it’s gonna look different, does anybody have any insight into this?
My other big main question is does anyone know where/ how I can learn about doing makeup for this kind of stuff lol?
The only other question I can think of is how to make the wig not destroy itself when I wear it, cuz every time I wear a wig the strap breaks, I’ve never had a wig fall off, buuuuut I would feel pretty dumb if it did lol
Please and thank you!!!
submitted by China145 to crossplay [link] [comments]

Tips for a beginner?

I’m looking to get into crossplay as an 18 yo male, I want to do haru okumura as my first one, but I kinda don’t know how to approach it.
So I know I’m gonna be using a pre made costume, just adding the wig and shoes, I was looking at these:
Persona 5 Okumura Haru Cosplay Carnaval Costume Halloween Christmas Costume
Akira Kurusu Ren Amamiya Joker Cosplay wig Xcoser Persona 5 Hair for Men
Persona 5 Haru Okumura Cosplay Shoes Custom Made
But I was wondering about sizes, I know it’s gonna be the same outfit either way, but I’m a biggger built person and have had a hard time fitting into certain cross dressing stuff, the amazon offers a “mens@ version, but I don’t wanna do that if it’s gonna look different, does anybody have any insight into this?
My other big main question is does anyone know where/ how I can learn about doing makeup for this kind of stuff lol?
The only other question I can think of is how to make the wig not destroy itself when I wear it, cuz every time I wear a wig the strap breaks, I’ve never had a wig fall off, buuuuut I would feel pretty dumb if it did lol
Please and thank you!!!
submitted by China145 to crossplay [link] [comments]

Joker Cosplay Help

So, I'm thinking of cosplaying as Joker for halloween, as I tried doing last year, but it's so damn expensive. So I need the best and most affordable stuff for it.
I need:
• Long coat, with the things that make you look like a vampire.
• Vest
• Gloves
• Mask
• Dagger
• Gun
• Boots
• Pants
• Tall man to be my Persona.
No need for wig, I have the same hair as Joker.
submitted by 4LF_0N53 to Persona5 [link] [comments]

persona 5 joker cosplay wig video

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Persona 5 Akira Kurusu ( Ren Amamiya ) x Goro Akechi cosplay

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